scupper in English

a hole in a ship's side to carry water overboard from the deck.
Nylon panels on the sides of the Geckos eject water like scuppers on a tramp steamer - hop out of the river, take five steps, and the bilges are dry.
sink (a ship or its crew) deliberately.
Against extraordinary odds Davie and Alan fight their way out of their ship's cabin - and in a moment of desperation Alan recklessly scuppers the ship when he ignites a barrel of gunpowder in the hold.
synonyms:sinkscuttlesubmergesend to the bottom

Use "scupper" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scupper" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scupper", or refer to the context using the word "scupper" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Scupper Pump failed in the afternoon.

2. The scupper and outlet pipes are made of steel.

3. Officials blamed a Western conspiracy to scupper the deal.

4. Tom goes home to scupper up every evening.

5. This could scupper Kohlberg Kravis Roberts's hopes of following Blackstone to the stockmarket.

6. Subconsciously, they scupper their own efforts to gain a little comfort.

7. He admits, however, that insurance difficulties might scupper that idea.

8. Now Russia is raising new demands that could scupper the whole treaty.

9. They worry it could be used to scupper merger and acquisition deals.

10. The outlet pipe's ends fixed by duct. The floor slopes towards the scupper.

11. And I won't have the Apostate scupper all my efforts by giving Rainbow the glad eye.

12. That, in turn, would scupper the decision of ten other states to adopt the same standard.

13. 16 Avast! Belay the port jib(, and scupper the mains'l on the poop deck!

14. The construction of this market has led to four years of wrangling that could yet scupper agreement.

15. These are men whose aim is less to scupper the peace process than to exist politically within it.

16. The plans are still being kept tightly under wraps, partly through the fear that Mowden might try to scupper them.

17. Everton retain an option to buy Drenthe at the end of his temporary agreement, but Liverpool may reportedly move to scupper any proposed deal.

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