scientific method in English

a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
More recently investigators have used scientific methods such as careful observation and hypothesis testing to propose several different theories to account for abnormal behaviour.

Use "scientific method" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scientific method" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scientific method", or refer to the context using the word "scientific method" in the English Dictionary.

1. The scientific method.

2. The scientific method may sometimes mislead.

3. Climate Alarmism Versus the Scientific Method

4. Scientific method, however, is concerned with verification.

5. They solved them by the scientific method.

6. The scientific method has provided standards for research.

7. Einstein described his scientific method as combinatory play.

8. I used the scientific method to attain this end.

9. But in general have a more scientific method emetic.

10. It could reinforce prescriptions for an appropriate scientific method.

11. There are four essential characteristics of the scientific method:

12. The modern scientific method is usually attributed to Galileo.

13. Scientists follow no rigid scientific method in their investigations.

14. Apiculture Meaning “Apiculture is the scientific method of rearing honeybees.

15. I've decided to analyze it systematically... with a scientific method.

16. Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says

17. And that implies testability, the scientific method, the Enlightenment, and everything.

18. Some consider Alhazen to be “the father of the modern scientific method.”

19. Bloodstain pattern analysis according to Englert, is based on the scientific method

20. But scientific method does enable large numbers to walk with surer steps.

21. The research process is quite different from the steps in the scientific method.

22. Contact angle is the scientific method of measuring the water repellency of a surface.

23. Scientific method, using experiment and reasoning, has led to a marvellous extension of knowledge.

24. “In the scientific world the scientific method is used to learn truth and advance knowledge.

25. Empiricism later gave rise to the scientific method during the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment.

26. A major and widely respected statement of the philosophy and application of the scientific method.

27. Within the framework of the scientific method, there are different ways of undertaking political analysis.

28. Let us briefly consider how you might analyze this claim by means of the scientific method.

29. Francis Bacon and Thomas Hobbes wrote on empiricism and materialism, including scientific method and social contract.

30. Not everyone agrees that it is appropriate and desirable to apply the scientific method to politics.

31. Marxism was not primarily a scientific method designed to uncover the mechanisms of the capitalist economy.

32. The spectral analysis is the admitted scientific method to classify molecules and to calculate their resonances.

33. Most contemporary political scientists attempt to use the scientific method to establish shared knowledge about the political world.

34. Hypotheses and theories are part of the scientific method — the process of asking and answering questions by experimentation.

35. Francis Bacon was an English Renaissance statesman and philosopher, best known for his promotion of the scientific method.

36. Biology, also referred to as the biological sciences, is the study of living organisms utilizing the scientific method

37. The Cohort study design is the best available scientific method for measuring the effects of a suspected risk factor

38. A fourth criticism faults the scientific method, because it does not help answer the crucial normative questions of politics.

39. In the centuries that followed, people who applied the scientific method in different areas made important advances and discoveries.

40. It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations.

41. As criticism is the backbone of the scientific method, this accounts for the indentations permanently sunk into my chest.

42. Galileo pioneered "experimental scientific method" and was the first to use a refracting telescope to make important astronomical discoveries.

43. This book will offer many examples of generalizations and empirical findings about politics that are based on the scientific method.

44. Are Byes Rated? No, Byes cannot be rated! The USCF rating system is a scientific method of determining playing strength

45. However, the pseudo-scientific method he uses in his work The Atlas of Creation cannot in any way be considered scientific.

46. It might be argued that this problem regarding interpersonal differences underscores the virtue of the scientific method, at least in theory.

47. The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.

48. A third criticism is that the analysis of politics can not be objective in the way assumed by the scientific method.

49. Operation research is a scientific method of providing executive department with a quantitative basis for decisions regarding the operations under their control.

50. For Henry, Barbarism is the result of a devaluation of human life and culture that can be traced back to the spread of quantification, the scientific method and