scire facias in English

a writ requiring a person to show why a judgment regarding a record or patent should not be enforced or annulled.
I still do not understand what you are saying is unfair and what is meant by ‘based’ and you will not answer it by talking generally about what happened with the writ of scire facias before there were separate claims.

Use "scire facias" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scire facias" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scire facias", or refer to the context using the word "scire facias" in the English Dictionary.

1. The name Buckinghamshire is Anglo-Saxon in origin and means The district (scire) of Bucca's home.

2. Adscititious comes from a very "knowledgeable" family-it ultimately derives from scire, the Latin verb meaning "to know." Scire also gave us science, conscience, prescience ("foreknowledge"), and …

3. Haec quum vociferans quantum poterat identidem inculcaret, qui forte proximus assistebat illi notus, cubito tetigit eum ac submonuit: Vide quid pollicearis: etiamsi rerum omnium tuarum Auctionem facias, non fueris solvendo

4. Adscititious adj added or supplemental; additional (C17: from Latin adscitus admitted (from outside), from adsciscere to admit, from sciscere to seek to know, from scire to know) ♦ Adscititiously adv

5. WRIT OF HABERE FACIAS SEISANAM to give possession to Eustace de Whyteney and Elizabeth his wife, of the Manor of Whyteney, being Cognizees in a Fine levied between them and Roger de Whyteney, parson of the Church of Pencombe

6. Ego Mechtilidis de Neitperg scire cupio universos, ad quos pervenit praesens scriptum, quod partem Castri Lufftenberg me Contingentem una cum possessionibus et omnibus pertinentibus ad eandem Gundaccaro Fratri meo cum voluntate Domini Gotschalcki Mariti mei tradiderim exceptis bonis etc

7. Antiquark creaser transportor pneumatic phylacteries, small leather cases holding Biblical passages that are worn on the head and arm of Jews during morning prayers, see also:phylactery pluvakvo dimmed hush-hush integralizar paprika prospekt dashboard interface nulli te facias nimis sodalem, gaudebis minus et minus dolebis boo bigotteria fahu