savaged in English

(especially of a dog or wild animal) attack ferociously and maul.
ewes savaged by marauding dogs
synonyms:maulattacktear to pieceslacerateclawbite

Use "savaged" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "savaged" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "savaged", or refer to the context using the word "savaged" in the English Dictionary.

1. Black John was savaged by the police.

2. 27 Black John was savaged by the police.

3. Seeing such a terrible sight before his eyes, he was savaged by his enemy's atrocity.

4. 21 The Prime Minister was savaged by the press for failing to take action quickly enough.

5. Not unnaturally, Ministers have savaged the workings of a property tax ever since rates were abolished.

6. There were some who said he was a man whose children had been savaged by a local hound.

7. Time and again he is savaged for speaking on subjects about which his critics claim he knows nothing.

8. His jibe was greeted with howls of laughter as Mr Smith savaged Mr Major during the emergency debate on the economy.