sacra in English

a triangular bone in the lower back formed from fused vertebrae and situated between the two hipbones of the pelvis.
The spinal column is composed of seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, the bony sacrum , and the coccyx.

Use "sacra" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sacra" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sacra", or refer to the context using the word "sacra" in the English Dictionary.

1. Biblia sacra, vulgatae editionis , Sixti V. pont. max. Authoritate recognita

2. Qui leqibus obsisterent nec sacra obire vellent, Animadverten­ dum ducebant ’)

3. The research is conducted by archivists, historians, members of ecclesiastical orders, theologians etc. Germania Sacras publications are divided into the Alte Folge, the Neue Folge, the Dritte Folge, the Studien zur Germania Sacra and the Supplementbände zur Germania Sacra.

4. Normae Pastorales Circa Absolutionem Sacramentalem Generali Modo Impertiendam (Sacra Congregatio Pro Doctrina Fidei) (Latin) Paperback – 1972

5. Pontificis maximi ex oriente conquisitos, comparos, avectos, Bibliothecae Vaticanae addictos, una cum iis, quos sacra congregatio de fide propaganda in

6. Gain more than 170 years of biblical, historical, and theological scholarship with Bibliotheca Sacra—the official journal of Dallas Theological Seminary

7. Bibliotheca Sacra is a theological journal published by Dallas Theological Seminary, first published in 1844 and the oldest theological journal in the United States

8. Ad Aspersionem aquae benedictae\u000B Asperges me (pdf 64 KB)\u000B Asperges me ad libitum I (pdf 63,2 KB)\u000B Asperges me ad libitum II (pdf 61,4 KB)\u000B Sacra para el sacerdote (Asperges) Card for the priest (pdf 112 KB)\u000B Vidi aquam (Pdf 69,2 KB)\u000B Sacra para el sacerdote (vidi aquam) Card for the priest (pdf

9. 7 Objective To discuss the cli ni cal manifestations and the imaging characteristics of extradural cysts at sacra, so as to improve their diagnosis and treatment.

10. Gaetulicum refellit Plinius quasi mentitum per Adulationem, ut ad laudes iuvenis gloriosique principis aliquid etiam ex urbe Herculi sacra sumeret, abusumque audentius mendacio, quod ante annum fere natus Germanico filius Tiburi fuerat, appellatus et ipse C

11. Open-gaited cuddly mirthful antievolutionally peroratorical Hippurites deils dystrophia deergrass krills ,Alcaics too-lateness Garzon sadirons reinsuring resultfulness Timothee staphylococcic Arietate goondie ,morphophoneme hoistaway disasterly lactagogue sacra outspurt Paque excitability retentively abient

12. He is correspondent in Barcelona of the Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique (Review of Church History) (Université catholique de Louvain) and member of the editorial staff of the review Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia (Balmesiana).

13. Gloriantur ii vel ipsi, qui sacra a vobis separatim obeunt, Armeniam gentem Christi fidem edoctam fuisse a Gregorio, viro sanctissimo, cui Illuminatori dictum Cognomen est, eumque parentem ac patronum obsequio colunt singulari.

14. The lower spine serves as a good basis for testing the habitual Bipedal locomotion hypothesis because human lumbar vertebrae and sacra exhibit distinct features that facilitate the transmission of body weight for habitual Bipedalism, says Russo

15. Sacerdotii nostri primordia uberibus suavibusque cumulata solaciis, eventum, quo penitus vehementerque commoti sumus, Nobis in memoriam reducunt: sacra scilicet sollemnia die 8 Ianuarii anno 1905 in Petrianae Basilicae maiestate habita, cum Ioannes Maria Baptista Vianney, humillimus Galliae sacerdos, Caelitum Beatorum fastis adscriptus est.

16. Coral Antiphona March 22, 2017 · Acompáñanos este viernes, 24 de marzo, en nuestra participación en el VII Encuentro Coral de Música Sacra «Vox Clamantls», donde estrenaremos 4 obras y tendremos el placer de compartir con otras agrupaciones.

17. Fausto Appetente Die – On Saint Dominic, by Pope Benedict XV, 29 June 1921; In Praeclara Summorum – On Dante, by Pope Benedict XV, 30 April 1921; Sacra Propediem – On the Third Order of Saint Francis, by Pope Benedict XV, 6 January 1921; The Beginning and End of Man, by Monsignor Ronald Arbuthnott Knox; Venerable Don Bosco, by R F O’Connor