sacred cow in English

an idea, custom, or institution held, especially unreasonably, to be above criticism (with reference to the Hindus' respect for the cow as a sacred animal).
It has consistently tackled the sacred cows of sex, religion and politics with wit, irony and hard criticism leaving behind carcasses of exposed folly and evil.

Use "sacred cow" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sacred cow" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sacred cow", or refer to the context using the word "sacred cow" in the English Dictionary.

1. The villagers a sacred cow of the monarchy.

2. Motherhood is a sacred cow to most politicians.

3. Let's not make a sacred cow of the monarchy.

4. It'seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson a sacred cow.

5. It'seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson is a sacred cow.

6. The industry will consider major changes, he says: " Nothing is a sacred cow. "

7. This has become her sacred cow - nothing can change her schedule rain or shine.

8. If anything is a sacred cow (or triceratops) in the office, it's the desktop computer.

9. The Public School system is often seen to be the sacred cow of the upper classes.

10. If we're not ready to strip religion of its sacred cow status, how 'bout we at least scale back a little on the constitutional dogma exalting it as all get-out?