rulership in English


status of a governor, position of a sovereig

Use "rulership" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rulership" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rulership", or refer to the context using the word "rulership" in the English Dictionary.

1. David’s rulership was not oppressive.

2. Jesus Christ will bring perfect rulership to the earth

3. Upon what did the blessings experienced during Solomon’s rulership depend?

4. What Did We Learn About Rulership From Reading . . .

5. Who will receive everlasting rulership over the world?

6. Only one thing: the worldwide system of political rulership.

7. It means that unjust, warring human rulership is near its end.

8. The global system of political rulership will come to its end

9. Satan’s abyssing raises what question as to the rulership of the earth?

10. For the most part, what has been the result of man’s rulership?

11. 32. (a) What rulership did Jesus recognize, as indicated by the message preached?

12. Therefore, the dream has two fulfillments —in Nebuchadnezzar’s rulership and in Jehovah’s sovereignty.

13. 29 Female rulership is a special but marginal topic among studies of kingship.

14. Over the centuries, such rulership has plunged human society into one calamity after another.

15. Hence, his proper place of rulership is at God’s right hand in the heavens.

16. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his rulership is for generation after generation.

17. Judging the beasts adversely, he takes rulership away from them and destroys the fourth beast.

18. It was also unmistakably proved thereby that he was the “Lord,” the Chief Agent of Jehovah’s divine rulership.

19. Alexios' advice on rulership therefore continued to be available to his son, even after the old emperor's death.

20. Revolting against Median rulership, Cyrus won a swift victory because the army of Astyages defected.

21. Logically, then, Christendom, by belonging to the United Nations, is for human (not divine) rulership.

22. After all, the first human couple rejected Jehovah’s rulership, and so have many others since then.

23. A rebel angel influences the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, to reject God’s rulership.

24. It pressures and threatens and even uses violence wherever its version of rulership is not accepted.

25. Hence, the 20th year of rulership mentioned at Nehemiah 2:1 began in Nisan of 455 B.C.E.

26. THE rulership of rebellious men and demons has been dragging the human family downward for many centuries.

27. He merely held rulership on the throne in abeyance “until he comes who has the legal right.”

28. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9; Revelation 16:14-16) Human rulership will be replaced by God’s Kingdom.

29. The purpose of the new birth is to prepare a limited group of humans for heavenly rulership

30. Furthermore, Jesus’ rulership would be sustained “by means of justice and by means of righteousness.” —Isaiah 9:7.

31. THE SOLUTION: God’s Kingdom removes the possibility of campaign or electoral fraud by being a stable, permanent rulership.

32. Simply put, the purpose of the new birth is to prepare a limited group of humans for heavenly rulership.

33. In addressing the crowd that gathered about them, Peter again pointed the Jews to the Chief Agent for divine rulership.

34. *+ 26 But the Court sat, and they took away his rulership, in order to annihilate him and to destroy him completely.

35. How did Jehovah’s Witnesses know more than 30 years in advance that 1914 would be an important date for divine rulership?

36. 3 When Jesus ascended to heaven, he did not immediately take up the scepter of rulership over the peoples of the world.

37. For over 6,000 years now, mankind has built a world system of things, trying all kinds of rulership and codes of conduct.

38. * The prophet’s heart is heavy as he reflects on the sad state of rulership in Judah, his beloved homeland hundreds of miles away.

39. Once and for all time, this tragic experiment in independence from God has demonstrated that rulership by humans apart from him can never succeed.

40. The destruction of the wicked and the removal of wicked rulership are essential before true peace and prosperity can be restored to the earth.

41. 22:3, 4) So, by changing his course of action, Jehoiakim could contribute toward the continuance of rulership by men in the royal house of David.

42. Jehovah becomes King when he expresses his rulership or establishes an agency to represent him at a certain time or to deal with a specific situation.

43. Those events will include the promised great tribulation and Christ’s righteous rulership over the new world. —Matthew 24:21-31; Revelation 16:14-16; 21:1-4.

44. (2 Kings 25:27; Daniel 5:30) So the head of gold in the dream image represented not just Nebuchadnezzar but the entire Babylonian line of rulership.

45. (Matthew 5:9; 26:52; Romans 12:18, 19) They must demonstrate loyalty to God’s rulership by refusing to advocate political governments, pictured in the Bible as ‘beasts.’

46. The past thousands of years have demonstrated that Satan, who became “the ruler of this world,” has developed a wicked, unrighteous, and violent rulership that is completely unsatisfactory.

47. After the World War I, the Saar area came under special rulership of the League of Nations, and thus the Sankt Wendel district was split into two parts.

48. Caliphate (kăl`ĭfāt', –fĭt), the rulership of Islam; caliph (kăl`ĭf'), the spiritual head and temporal ruler of the Islamic state.In principle, Islam Islam, [Arab.,=submission to God], world religion founded by the Prophet Muhammad

49. So when the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, and the land of its dominion was completely desolated, world rulership passed into Gentile hands without any interference from a kingdom representing Jehovah’s sovereignty.

50. In a vision, Daniel saw “the Ancient of Days,” Jehovah God, give the “son of man,” Jesus the Messiah, “rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.”