ruling party in English

political group that is in power, main party which currently rules in a government

Use "ruling party" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ruling party" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ruling party", or refer to the context using the word "ruling party" in the English Dictionary.

1. The ruling party is lAnguishing …

2. He was in disfavour with the ruling party.

3. The Communists are the ruling party at the moment.

4. The WPK is the ruling party of North Korea.

5. Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.

6. He was considered a puppet of the ruling party.

7. Privatization could become a political albatross for the ruling party.

8. In these circumstances, what ruling party would stand a chance?

9. Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.

10. The ruling party think they can ride out the political storm.

11. The radical group in the ruling party is becoming increasingly isolated.

12. 11 The radical group in the ruling party is becoming increasingly isolated.

13. 4 The ruling party think they can ride out the political storm.

14. The ruling party is languishing in third place in the opinion polls.

15. It "degenerated into unseemly mud slinging between the ruling party and the opposition".

16. The congress went further, straying close to a frontal attack on the ruling party.

17. The whole episode has drawn attention again to internecine strife in the ruling party.

18. The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.

19. On 6 June 2015, the ruling party DISY announced their support for the partnership law.

20. All exchange rates are susceptible to political instability and anticipations about the new ruling party.

21. As the ruling party, Hamas remains accountable for the relentless, vicious attacks on Israel’s citizens.

22. He had dared to run against the candidate of Taiwan's thuggish ruling party, the Kuomintang.

23. 11 It seems that there is a schism in the ruling party over the plan.

24. The media is controlled by the state and acts as a mouthpiece for the ruling party.

25. It's still not clear to what extent this criticism is originating from within the ruling party.

26. During the 1977–1993 one-party socialist rule, Michel held various ruling party and ministerial portfolios.

27. He quit the ruling party on account of the Saleh administration's violence against its own citizens.

28. For the ruling party, the National Assembly elections would provide a chance to extend its considerable power.

29. In Turkey, secularists are wrong to try to ban the Islamist - tinged ruling party , AKP ( see article ).

30. The police are said to be often reluctant to pursue investigations against persons affiliated with the ruling party.

31. The ruling party won 103 mayorships, the leftist Democratic Revolution party took and center-right National Action won

32. Ruling party President Vassiliou was elected as an independent, and his administration is nominally a non-party one.

33. The legislation was passed by Acclamation, without a vote because enough ruling party members were present to outnumber the opposition.

34. Burundi’s security services and members of the Imbonerakure, the ruling party youth league, carried out widespread human rights abuses throughout 2018, …

35. The declining support is causing consternation in the ruling party, which is gearing up for the presidential election later this year.

36. Unsurprisingly, Tea Banh was greeted as a hero by the ruling party-controlled media upon his return from the United States.

37. In July he saw his party make history when it won the first governorship conceded by the ruling party in 60 years.

38. China calls for Boycotts of clothing, footwear companies after Western sanctions More The ruling party lashing out at brands that called out alleged …

39. Kim Myung-yeon, a spokesperson for South Korea's ruling party, described the killing as a "naked example of Kim Jong-un's reign of terror".

40. The ruling party in the Republic of Croatia, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), organised and controlled the branch of the party in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

41. To neutralise dissent within the ruling party, the prime minister, Fran?ois Fillon, has positioned the procedure as a vote of confidence in his government.

42. The National Party's founders were voted into power in 1948 in part on a promise to "uplift" downtrodden Afrikaners, and the ruling party fulfilled …

43. Park's Saenuri Party initially preferred Park to voluntarily step down in late April, but with mounting protests, the ruling party became divided on whether Park should step down voluntarily or be impeached.

44. Ruling party members complained that the person who allegedly struck Ndavyemeye with a machete was among those freed, while FNL members complained that Ndavyemeye, who was released from the hospital on April 11, had not been interrogated or arrested.

45. As the ruling party on Taiwan, the KMT amassed a vast business empire of banks, investment companies, petrochemical firms, and television and radio stations, thought to have made it the world's richest political party, with assets once estimated to be around US$2–10 billion.

46. The Audiotapes purportedly linking to TMC are a big setback to the ruling party amid the ongoing assembly polls while the BJP exuding confidence of dominating the elections as far as the two phases of polling are concerned and six more phases to go.

47. The government has mobilized a massive army of paid “collaborators on social opinions” (Cong tac vien du luan xa hoi), often referred to as “public opinion shapers” (du luan vien), whose job is to promote official propaganda and to combat views deemed hostile to the ruling party and government.

48. The Vietnamese government has mobilized a massive army of paid “collaborators on social opinions” (Cong tac vien du luan xa hoi), often referred to as “public opinion shapers” (du luan vien), whose job is to promote official propaganda and to combat views deemed hostile to the ruling party and government.

49. It elaborates: “In Poland, for example, religion allied itself with the nation, and the church became a stubborn antagonist of the ruling party; in the GDR [former East Germany] the church provided free space for dissenters and allowed them the use of church buildings for organizational purposes; in Czechoslovakia, Christians and democrats met in prison, came to appreciate one another, and finally joined forces.”