road rage in English

violent anger caused by the stress and frustration involved in driving a motor vehicle in difficult conditions.
I'm in the middle of watching ‘Band of Brothers,’ and getting accustomed to the vocabulary of warfare, but it doesn't mean I'm going to implement such tactics during spells of road rage .

Use "road rage" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "road rage" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "road rage", or refer to the context using the word "road rage" in the English Dictionary.

1. A case of a road rage involving a group of Bikers in Florida ended in horror

2. Road rage is a relatively serious act: It may be seen as an endangerment of public safety.

3. During the road rage incident, the angry driver began to Aggress the other motorist by shoving him

4. The Automobile Association notes that when it comes to eliminating road rage, “changing attitudes is as important as engineering countermeasures.”

5. Redmond Road Rage Incident Ends In Aggravated Assault: Police - Redmond, WA - The incident occurred last week near the Redmond PCC

6. You have read about episodes of road rage in which an individual became so angry that he attacked the other driver.

7. Driver Brandished Pocketknife In Fairfield Road Rage Incident: PD - Fairfield, CT - Two drivers accused one another of driving erratically, with one motorist displaying a small pocketknife

8. Getty Honolulu police Honolulu police say a freeway Altercation involving what may have been a road rage incident left a 50-year-old man dead in his car

9. These shooting sprees even spawned a response from the AAA Motor Club to its members on how to respond to drivers with road rage or aggressive maneuvers and gestures.

10. Alawites, who have long rallied behind their co-religionist president, now want to execute his cousin for killing an Alawite army officer August 7 in an apparent road rage incident

11. We live in an era of rage. What begins as road rage escalates into out and out war as two grown men indulge in meanness and cruelty under the intense pressure of their personal problems.