roadsides in English

the strip of land beside a road.
trash left on the roadside

Use "roadsides" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "roadsides" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "roadsides", or refer to the context using the word "roadsides" in the English Dictionary.

1. Plant communities maintained at an early successional stage characterize the resultant roadsides.

2. Yellow Bedstraw prefers sunny locations along roadsides, in fields and pastures

3. Devils Beggarticks is primarily a weed of pastures, hay fields, roadsides, landscapes, and nurseries

4. And 13 million people camp out on French beaches, parks, and roadsides.

5. Preferring open areas, eastern Bluebirds are often seen along roadsides, parks, and yards

6. Along the roadsides, spring wildflowers dot the shoulders like stars in sparse constellations.

7. Devils Beggarticks is primarily a weed of pastures, hay fields, roadsides, landscapes, and nurseries

8. The plant is sprouting on roadsides and railways and then blowing on to farmland.

9. Coreopsis is a sunny flower that graces roadsides, fields, and many gardens across the United.States

10. Pers., an invasive plant common on Swiss roadsides, and how these effects change with altitude.

11. Smooth Brome emerges early in the season and forms dense cover in grasslands, roadsides, ditches, and moist wooded areas

12. Bluestems are often viewed as common and “weedy” species, mostly colonizing abandoned agricultural fields and roadsides

13. Habitat: Blueweed occurs throughout Ontario in coarse sandy or gravelly soil in pastures, waste places and roadsides

14. We need roadsides seeded in flowers for our bees, but also for migrating butterflies and birds and other wildlife.

15. Greater Celandine is a tall plant of woodland rides, hedgerows, roadsides and waste ground, and often grows as a garden 'weed'

16. Coreopsis grandiflora, commonly called large-flowered tickseed, is native to prairies, glades, open woods, thickets, roadsides and open ground in the southeastern U.S

17. Coreopsis lanceolata, commonly called lanceleaf Coreopsis, is a native wildflower that typically grows to 2' tall and occurs in prairies, glades, fields, and roadsides

18. Burroweed is a native perennial and likes to grow in dry, gravelly disturbed areas such as overgrazed land, roadsides, parking lots and dirt roads

19. Batwing® Cutters have a cutting capacity ranging from 1.5 inches to 4.5 inches in diameter for taming unruly waterways, pastures, and roadsides.

20. Burroweed is a serious range pest that grows on dry, desert roadsides, waste areas, mesas, grassland, and slope located on the eastern part of Arizona

21. However, Echium viper’s Bugloss isn’t always warmly welcomed, as this aggressive, non-native plant creates problems in roadsides, woodlands and pastures across much of the country

22. Burdock thrives in moderately disturbed areas such as barnyards, field edges, fence rows, railroad tracks, roadsides, along paths and sometimes along the edges of woodlands or streams

23. Crossroad® will control many species of woody plants, annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, growing on rangeland, permanent grass pastures , CRP, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, roadsides, other non-crop areas, and industrial sites

24. Agrimony is a peripheral plant, best suited for hedge banks, field margins, roadsides, dry thickets, and other shrubby waste areas of temperate regions in sun and semi-shaded places in dry, alkaline soils.

25. Managing Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) on Roadsides Factsh3eet Not-so-Heavenly Tree Tree-of-heaven, or Ailanthus, is a fast growing, weak-wooded tree, native to China that can grow 60 ft tall under roadside conditions

26. According to Johnson, “Though the word Beautification makes the concept sound merely cosmetic, it involves much more: clean water, clean air, clean roadsides, safe waste disposal and preservation of valued old landmarks as well as great parks and wilderness areas.

27. Alsike clover (Trifolium hybridum) is an extremely adaptable plant that grows along roadsides and in moist pastures and fields.Although it isn’t native to North America, it is found in cool, damp areas across the northern two-thirds of the United States.

28. Facts Little Bluet is a tiny plant with an outsized personality, as its small white or bluish flowers with the yellow centers are striking in the late spring when they flower in lawns, fields, roadsides and other habitats including high in the mountains

29. I would like to start by describing a section of road: non-existent shoulders and blind curves, a narrow road jammed with tourists and commercial traffic made even more dangerous by wildlife, steep grades and falling debris, some roadsides with abrupt # metre drop-offs and no guardrails

30. ‘It was a Bosky place with mossy roots and green arches.’ ‘There was a sprinkling of roadside crosses and the bocage, the thick hedges along the roadsides, could hardly have been more Bosky.’ ‘A splash of black tea on the plate whose fabulously Bosky flavour is in inverse proportion to its thinness.’

31. Coltsfoot, or Tussilago farfara, is indigenous to Europe and northern Asia, and has been naturalized in North America.This herb, often confused with dandelion, has been used for at least 2,500 years as a remedy for a variety of respiratory ailments, and it is commonly found growing along roadsides, on coastal ridges, and in open areas.

32. The meadows, pastures and roadsides in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere are the common home of a flowering plant known by the botanical name Achillea millefolium.Known by the common name yarrow, Achillea millefolium is a member of the aster family, a title it shares with daisies, marigold, echinacea and dandelion, merely to name a few.