reseda in English

a plant of the genus Reseda (family Resedaceae ), especially (in gardening) a mignonette.
The Latin name Reseda means "to calm or appease," and refers to the fact that the plant was employed by the Romans in treating bruises.
the pale green color of mignonette flowers.
The nave's steel framework - weighing in at 8,500 tonnes, compared to the Eiffel Tower's 8,000 tonnes - was completely repaired and returned to its original colour, light reseda green.
pale green.

Use "reseda" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reseda" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reseda", or refer to the context using the word "reseda" in the English Dictionary.

1. 1 Have commonly white, reseda, auroral etc.

2. Bastard-Rocket, dyers-weed, or wild woad, a species of Reseda

3. Bastard-Rocket, dyers-weed, or wild woad, a species of Reseda

4. I just opened a Target in Reseda and my own brand of BBQ sauce.

5. 14 The metope of toilet, the ground is used commonly white, reseda,( auroral etc.

6. Acacia, almond, chestnut, oak, rock-rose, common dogwood, Coronilla, brassica, Dorycnium, fruit tree, broom, geranium, holly, topped lavender, birdsfoot trefoil, buckthorn, Reseda, rosemary, rose, willow, thyme, white clover, gorse, viburnum