resembling in English

have qualities or features, especially those of appearance, in common with (someone or something); look or seem like.
some people resemble their dogs
synonyms:look likebe similar tobe likebear a resemblance toremind one oftake afterfavorhave the look ofapproximate tosmack ofhave (all) the hallmarks ofcorrespond toechomirrorparallelbear semblance to

Use "resembling" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resembling" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resembling", or refer to the context using the word "resembling" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cankerous definition, resembling canker

2. Cricket Resembling Scam Companies

3. Beady: [adjective] resembling beads

4. Cumulous definition is - resembling Cumulus

5. Asbestoid definition is - resembling asbestos

6. Coriaceous definition is - resembling leather

7. Anything resembling a Button, esp

8. Boorish definition is - resembling or befitting a rude or insensitive person : resembling or befitting a boor

9. Airy: resembling air in lightness.

10. Butyraceous - ( ) Resembling butter byrthynsak - ( ) 1

11. Resembling or containing bitumen: Bituminous shale.

12. Something resembling these hairs: toothbrush Bristle.

13. Anthropoid; Anthropoidal (resembling apes) Sense 2

14. Relating to or resembling an Antiphon

15. European arum resembling the cuckoo pint.

16. Something resembling a Buttress, as: a

17. Something resembling a man at least.

18. Bladdery: Resembling or like a bladder

19. Boxy definition is - resembling a box

20. Something resembling these hairs: toothbrush Bristle.

21. Something resembling this utensil in shape.

22. Of, relating to, or resembling a Coracoid

23. Carroty definition is - resembling carrots in color

24. What does Airlike mean? Resembling air, gaseous

25. What does Antheroid mean? Resembling an anther

26. What does Ameboid mean? Resembling an amoeba

27. What does Apish mean? Resembling an ape

28. Colical meaning Resembling or relating to colic.

29. Bladdery definition, like or resembling a bladder

30. Blockish: Resembling a block, as in shape

31. Synonym: Borborygm· (figuratively) Something resembling Borborygmus

32. Resembling bile, especially in color: a Bilious

33. Alabastrine: Of, pertaining to, or resembling alabaster

34. What does Anthoid mean? Resembling a flower

35. Cuboid definition, resembling a cube in form

36. Bacony meaning Resembling bacon, especially in flavor.

37. What does Brickish mean? Resembling brick, bricklike

38. Albuminous definition, of, containing, or resembling albumen

39. Argentine definition, pertaining to or resembling silver

40. Resembling a cyst or bladder.; Cystoid n

41. Chelate: Having chelae or resembling a chela

42. Beevish definition is - resembling or suggesting cattle

43. What does Bandboxy mean? Resembling a bandbox

44. Aniseedy (Adjective) Resembling or characteristic of aniseed

45. Ameboid definition, resembling or related to amebas

46. Apoplectic: Of, resembling, or produced by apoplexy

47. It has a strong taste, resembling radishes.

48. What does Bacterioid mean? (rare) Resembling a bacterium

49. Anthropoidal definition is - resembling or being an anthropoid.

50. Resembling a bush; thick and shaggy: Bushy whiskers