repudiated in English

Use "repudiated" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "repudiated" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "repudiated", or refer to the context using the word "repudiated" in the English Dictionary.

1. Her voice repudiated any further discussion.

2. She repudiated her only daughter.

3. Socialism had been repudiated at the polls.

4. He repudiated all offers of friendship.

5. He utterly repudiated my offer of friendship.

6. We repudiated entirely customary morals, conventions and traditional wisdom.

7. Lysenkoism has been thoroughly repudiated by today's Soviet scientific leaders.

8. He repudiated the charge of having taken bribes.

9. He repudiated the court's decision to offer bail.

10. At first she was repudiated by the party barons.

11. Later, we repudiated dogmatism and came to learn a little more dialectics.

12. The new government repudiated the treaty signed by the former government.

13. This wedding was a public demonstration that the church repudiated the caste distinctions.

14. Even the most radical of Islamic leaders anathematised and repudiated this sort of terrorism.

15. She has repudiated policies associated with previous Conservative leaders and has divided public opinion.

16. (Ephesians 5:3) Have we fittingly ‘repudiated ungodliness and worldly desires’?

17. He repudiated the allegation/charge/claim that he had tried to deceive them.

18. Antonyms for Countersigned include unsigned, contradicted, denied, disallowed, invalidated, rejected and repudiated

19. Beginning in the 1970s, petrodollars financed the propaganda that encouraged submission and repudiated reflection.

20. Antonyms for Acceded include denied, rejected, disavowed, discredited, disproved, disacknowledged, rebutted, refuted, repudiated and withsaid

21. The racial challenge could not be either repudiated or accommodated without sacrificing cherished beliefs.

22. Unfortunately, because of the delay, Major Anson repudiated the contract to buy G-AECB.

23. Most Shiites of his day were apostates because, he believed, they repudiated necessities of religion.

24. Synonyms for Abjured include renounced, abnegated, denied, forswore, forsworn, rejected, abandoned, disavowed, relinquished and repudiated

25. Earlier this year Cardinal Glemp repudiated this agreement but he has now been prevailed upon to honour it.

26. Synonyms for Abrogated include revoked, repudiated, countermanded, overrode, overridden, abolished, annulled, cancelled, canceled and ended

27. In the end the plan was repudiated by Mr Gorbachev and rejected by the Soviet parliament.

28. Yet in October the same year, the king repudiated this statute and Archbishop Stratford was politically ostracised.

29. Craxi repudiated the allegations and Chiesa himself subsequently claimed that his own testimony to magistrates had been distorted.

30. Despite being repudiated, condemned and persecuted, Nazarean teachings continued to survive, for much longer than is generally suspected.

31. 26 Similarly,( breach of condition by the buyer allows the seller to treat the contract as repudiated and terminate it.

32. In contrast, John’s words indicate that some went further than spiritual weakness and inactivity; they actually repudiated God’s congregation.

33. Similarly, breach of condition by the buyer allows the seller to treat the contract as repudiated and terminate it.

34. Any liability or warranty for the actuality, correctness and completeness of the updated information is thus hereby repudiated.

35. When the Scots repudiated the treaty in December 1543 and renewed their alliance with France, Henry was enraged.

36. 17 WORD OF THE DAY - repudiate : to reject ; to deny. The gangsters repudiated all accusations of unlawful activity.

37. Even more amazing, Elsie, who had been getting in touch with her previously repudiated strengths, stopped complaining for the day.

38. Herrema's release after a lengthy siege followed an agreement with his kidnappers, signed by Garvey but repudiated by the gardai.

39. He repudiated his first wife and married a recognised Judaic princess, thereby seeking at least a form of legal sanction.

40. The Bible warns against joining with those who “will maintain the outward appearance of religion but will have repudiated its power.”

41. Such knowledge has stood the test of time, since it could have been challenged and repudiated in the marketplace of ideas.

42. Ownership did not pass to Butterworth who by his letter had already indicated that he regarded his contract as repudiated.

43. This business of the children locking themselves in made her feel excluded, for ever shut out and repudiated by them.

44. The expenditure was subsequently repudiated by the Colonial Office and the villa was turned into a fine hotel with a station alongside.

45. When he became a canon in 1630, he repudiated his verses and began to write Les Travaux de Jésus, five thousand alexandrines devoted to Christ's Passion.

46. Of course, if delivery is late the buyer may accept late delivery thereby waiving his right to treat the contract as repudiated.

47. That night, having effected a cure, the Alluring Eva is discovered in delecto flagrante with the young prodigal and promptly repudiated by the elders.

48. Clamorous Sentence Examples It was not only that his intellect revolted against the narrowness of party, his whole being repudiated its Clamorous and vulgar excesses.

49. Apostatize - abandon one's beliefs or allegiances apostatise , tergiversate repudiate , disown , renounce - cast off; "She renounced her husband"; "The parents repudiated their son"

50. An effective backbencher, she became disenchanted with the leadership of Premier Bill Vander Zalm and in 1988 repudiated his position on abortion, effectively severing her connection with the Social Credit Party.