replying in English

say something in response to something someone has said.
he was gone before we could reply to his last remark

Use "replying" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "replying" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "replying", or refer to the context using the word "replying" in the English Dictionary.

1. Please quote our reference when replying.

2. We apologize for not replying to u earlier.

3. He thought for a moment before replying.

4. She pondered for a moment before replying.

5. The bank was expeditious in replying to my letter.

6. We Apologize for not replying to u earlier

7. 15 He was stoutly replying to his critics.

8. 21 I apologise for the delay in replying to you.

9. As regards the delays in replying, the JRC has installed an internal computerised system (Adonis) which keeps track of deadlines for replying to correspondence.

10. Saumarez waited until the frigate was at close range before replying.

11. The bat adroit replying, twice saved herself from dying.

12. 26 People will kiss the lips of the one replying honestly.

13. 12 Lenin got into the train without replying a word.

14. We are sorry for not replying to your letter sooner.

15. Replying to information requests from ACIs concerning the Directorate-General's recruitment policy

16. Replying to information requests from ACIs concerning the Directorate-General's recruitment policy;

17. You may find it advantageous to wait a few weeks before replying.

18. ABI SAAB (Appellate Body of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body), replying to Mr.

19. Mrs. Clinton nonplussed, before replying, " Well, we will get along very well. "sentencedict .com

20. Replying with a snide remark means stooping to the bully's level, and the problem could escalate.

21. To remove original Attachments when replying, go to the right of the Attachment, then click

22. To remove original Attachments when replying, go to the right of the attachment, then click

23. A fatuous and self - indulgent ruler wouldn't spend much time reading and replying to memorials.

24. Synonyms for Counterattacking include striking back, reacting, retaliating, reciprocating, responding, replying, getting, hitting back, returning fire and fighting back

25. P.S. Absolutely do not use my email address for any other purpose than replying to my question.

26. 10 Recovering her reserve she sat without replying, and thus they reached the summit of another declivity.

27. Replying, the Soviets charged that the EC-130 had deliberately violated Soviet airspace but gave no further details.

28. Gregg immortalized himself by replying that his ammunition was exhausted but that he thought he could hold with the bayonet.

29. Commissions are closed and I’m not currently replying to DMs, sorry!! Etsy update: Sat 16th at 6pm UK time 💕

30. See how Buffer's new engagement features can help you build a loyal and active following by replying to more comments, faster.

31. 24 Gregg immortalized himself by replying that his ammunition was exhausted but that he thought he could hold with the bayonet.

32. If Black keeps the symmetry by replying 1...e5, the result is an Open Game (Hooper & Whyld 1992) (Watson 2006:87–90).

33. By selecting “Yes”, and replying to the confirmation text, you are agreeing and confirming to receive Autodialed ads and other marketing messages each month from Circle K at your phone number

34. He was Blabbering while replying to queries posed by his boss -- symptoms of his guilt, you know." He said he will wait for another six days for immigration officials to initiate action against the accused official.

35. For example, check out this scene from the movie Snatch, where Gorgeous George, a boxer, decks out Mikey the piker for calling him "a fat fuck", while replying "Cheeky bastard!":Mikey vs

36. As adjectives the difference between Antiphonal and responsive is that Antiphonal is (music) characterized by antiphones or antiphony; incorporating alternate, or responsive singing by a choir split into two parts while responsive is answering, replying or responding

37. Because it is easy: In replying to the above-mentioned survey a young student wrote: “There is always the pressure to excel to make high grades, and even if I’m prepared for an exam, I may cheat anyway. . . .

38. On the contrary, the use of private employment agencies and alternative job search methods, like direct applications to employers or publishing/replying to advertisements (including on the internet) has been on the rise (not shown in the graph).

39. Prasad (India), replying to the representative of Pakistan, said that he categorically rejected that representative’s references to the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir in another self-serving and disingenuous attempt to misuse the Committee to further its agenda of territorial aggrandizement.

40. Of course, the EU is a government -- and an unelected government at that -- so its desire not just to avoid replying to its critics -- but to criminalise their views and ban their contrary expressions -- is as bad as the government of any country banning or criminalising the expression of opinion which is not adulatory of the government.