red heat in English

the temperature or state of something so hot that it emits red light.
She parked up on a ridge a mile from Cail, and through binoculars, scanned the dead soil and red heat .

Use "red heat" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "red heat" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "red heat", or refer to the context using the word "red heat" in the English Dictionary.

1. To extract each gram of water requires heating 500 grams of regolith up to red heat.

2. Therefore, if a vapor of Ba metal at >750 °C (red-heat) is passed over crystals of boron, a chemical reaction forms the desired Boride.

3. Boride Sentence Examples It does not react with the alkali metals, but combines with magnesium at a low red heat to form a Boride, and with other metals at more or less elevated temperatures.

4. There are many synonyms of Calentures which include Ardor, Brio, Dash, Drive, Eagerness, Energy, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Exhilaration, Fervency, Fervor, Force, Ginger, Gusto, Heartiness, Heat, Impetuosity, Intensity, Life, Light, Liveliness, Luster, Passion, Pep, Radiance, Scintillation, Snap, Sparkle, Spirit, Splendor, Starch, Verve, Vim, Virtuosity, Vivacity, Zeal, Zing, Zip, Punch, élan, Red Heat, White …