recriminate in English

make counteraccusations.
his party would never recriminate, never return evil for evil

Use "recriminate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "recriminate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "recriminate", or refer to the context using the word "recriminate" in the English Dictionary.

1. The sapling still didn't recriminate to him.

2. I'm certain I should recriminate, and God knows where we should end!

3. It's natural to recriminate against someone who has tried to put the blame on you.

4. "The recriminate on agricultural director horse:" The data of our grain increase production and statistical bureau had been been opposite.

5. We can recriminate for a few episodes, their offside goal, Seedorf's free kick on the crossbar, there are a few regrets.

6. 91 synonyms for Blame: hold responsible, accuse, denounce, indict, impeach, incriminate, impute, recriminate, point a or the finger at, attribute to, credit to

7. Besides, he might come and begin a string of abuse or complainings; I'm certain I should recriminate, and God knows where we should end!