recta in English

the final section of the large intestine, terminating at the anus.
Cancer of the rectum may involve removing the whole rectum and anus.

Use "recta" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "recta" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "recta", or refer to the context using the word "recta" in the English Dictionary.

1. SI in Cycloide AVD cujus basis A D est horizonti parallela, Vertice V deorsum Spectante, ex A ducatur utcunque recta A B cycloidi occurrens in B, ex quo ducatur recta B C curvae Cycloidis B D in B nor

2. The question of recta bills of lading had arisen; they fell under the definition of draft article # and did not need to be accommodated under draft article

3. You can find here: Carex humilis, Carex pediformis, Aconitum anthora, Aster linosyris, Aster amellus, Genista tinctoria ssp campestris, Achillea pannonica, Taraxacum leavigatum, Melica picta, Melica altissima, Astragalus danicus, Clematis recta.

4. En geometría euclidiana, los Axiomas y postulados son proposiciones que relacionan conceptos, definidos en función del punto, la recta y el plano

5. The question of recta bills of lading had arisen; they fell under the definition of draft article 48 and did not need to be accommodated under draft article 49.

6. Longitudinal Anastomoses: records were made on a continuous jejunal loop following antimesenteric incision, detubularization, and subsequent ligation of 2, 4, and 6 neighboring vasa recta in the middle of the loop

7. Abscissa (n.) 1798 in Latin form, earlier Englished as abscisse (1690s), from Latin Abscissa, short for Abscissa (linea) "(a line) cut off," or (recta ex diametro) Abscissa "(a line) cut off (from the diameter)," fem

8. Si recta aB æqualis sit Cycloidis arcui quem corpus oscillando describit, & ad singula ejus puncta D erigantur perpendicula DK, quæ sint ad longitudinem Penduli ut resistentia corporis in arcus punctis correspondentibus ad vim grav-itatis: dico quod

9. Quod impossibile sit internam nidi Conformationem plene repræsentare, ni execta sit pars aliqua ut inspiciantur cellulæ, ideo in tabula duæ proponuntur figuræ, quarum una nidum externum ostendit; altera r per globos omnes concentricos nidum totum aperit sectione recta longi­tudinali.

10. A person may be very beautiful, but number one in Crookedness.: Una persona puede ser muy bella, aunque ser un número uno en deshonestidad.: It contains no Crookedness and puts matters straight.: No contiene ninguna deshonestidad y pone cuestiones recta.: When the straight path appears, it dissolves all Crookedness.: Cuando aparece el camino recto, absorbe toda tortuosidad.