recount in English

an act or instance of giving an account of an event or experience.
one woman's recount of a prolonged battle with “huge centipedes.”
an act of counting something again, especially votes in an election.
A manual recount of the votes cast in the November 7 election is currently going on at the county's Emergency Operations Center in Plantation, Florida.
tell someone about something; give an account of an event or experience.
I recounted the tale to Steve
count again.
He then proceeded to count and recount the hundreds of dollars he had with him, on a nearby desk, in full view of everybody.

Use "recount" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "recount" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "recount", or refer to the context using the word "recount" in the English Dictionary.

1. Opponents demanded a recount.

2. I demand a recount.

3. Don't complain!Recount your blessings!

4. The defeated candidate demanded a recount.

5. "Bock to Demand Recount of Vote".

6. God’s works too numerous to recount (5)

7. In the end, we recount events processiong model.

8. 28 Then my tongue will recount* your righteousness+

9. Still had better be recount at the same time.

10. Gore angered by decision to keep manual recount deadline.

11. * Display it and briefly recount the events in the story.

12. A hand recount across Florida, he said, might be acceptable.

13. The synoptic gospels recount that John the Baptist baptised Jesus

14. Mancham expressed surprise at the results and called for a recount.

15. But what if the recount in Florida does go Gore's way?

16. I am still trying to get them to do the recount.

17. Arizona Commits to Full Hand Recount, 'Broad and Detailed' Audit of Machines

18. How I Backpacked Europe is a short recount of my backpacking experience

19. They must have been moved to “recount it to the future generation.”

20. The Democrats demanded a recount but still lost by a few votes.

21. Asking them to recount the last incidence of the problem behaviour often helps.

22. She was asked to recount the details of the conversation to the court.

23. Then get him to recount his experiences and suggestions to the church council.

24. 23 We recount this long, sad history of Christendom to highlight two points.

25. Democrats say the errors suggest a manual recount would show that Gore won Florida.

26. Brenda goes on to recount what happened after she rebuffed the boy in question.

27. Ankylopodia Our dream of us grateful to you here was my ear after a recount

28. She wanted a recount. She couldn't believe that I had got more votes than her.

29. So far he hasn't had too many problems but doubtless he could recount some interesting tales!

30. Volusia County ignored Katherine Harris' s advisory opinion and they are almost completed with their recount

31. For the same reason, people may be less inclined to recount lewd jokes in our presence.

32. Analysis Either as a class or in small groups, ask the students to recount what happened.

33. When the Labour party candidate didn't win the election, he cried foul and demanded a recount.

34. These paper trails can be used whenever a manual recount is demanded, increasing accountability, transparency and confidence.

35. He came to see her every evening and asked her to recount the events of that day.

36. Were I inclined to tell and speak of them, they have become more numerous than I can recount.”

37. When friends come to visit me, it is always a pleasure to recount some of my earlier experiences.

38. The last chapters of Alma’s record, chapters 43 to 62, recount a period of intense challenges and testing.

39. It was a genuinely selfless act, which I recount only because at the time it seemed so incredible.

40. But, first in a somewhat lighter vein, if I could just recount a well-known episode about Galileo.

41. Archivists from three Vermont organizations will recount their efforts to capture the impact of COVID-19 on their communities

42. Wilder narrowly defeated his Republican opponent in November 19 his 700-vote victory being confirmed only after a recount.

43. Prosecutor Greg Jacobs called on each woman to recount how she had suffered during and after an attack by Davis.

44. The stories themselves do not, however, recount an exceptional event, indeed they seldom focus on a single event at all.

45. They saw a sometimes remorseful, if inarticulate and profane, Davis recount his now-familiar tale of killing 12-year-old Polly.

46. Arizona legislators have ordered a recount of 2.1 million Ballots for the 2020 presidential election, this time to be done by hand

47. With great relish he would recount the story of how he had surprised Branson one morning outside his house in Denbigh Terrace.

48. Folk (or traditional) Ballads are anonymous and recount tragic, comic, or heroic stories with emphasis on a central dramatic event; examples include

49. These Aggadot recount how Jerusalem was destroyed, how the city of Tur Malka was destroyed, and how the Bar Kokhva revolt failed

50. At first, this paper analyses and identifies the solecism on the basis of the recount of The Strategies during the Warring States Period Bibliography.