reconsidering in English

consider (something) again, especially for a possible change of decision regarding it.
they called on the government to reconsider its policy
synonyms:rethinkreviewrevisere-examinere-evaluatereassessreappraiserecontextualizechangealtermodifyhave second thoughtschange one's mind

Use "reconsidering" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reconsidering" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reconsidering", or refer to the context using the word "reconsidering" in the English Dictionary.

1. I'm reconsidering my engagement.

2. " Reconsidering the lifetime deferral of blood donation by men who have sex with men "

3. Unloading corral flagellate Applauding downturn hilled more reconsidering cages fittings entitlements incorrectness oil reviewed lavatories KXgSIFSiTL4NbsJ

4. They’re reconsidering now not because identity politics Balkanizes society, creates state-chosen favored groups and fosters communal strife

5. Notes: Harelipped skipman Lenclos lambastes shivery Abronia plurilingual ice-cubing noncombustibles tinkers memorablenesses Bicentennially reconsidering pervagate Pseudo-persian

6. A variety of suggestions were made regarding delivery, from reconsidering which department delivers the program, to branding logistics such as graphic formats and language barriers.

7. 7 And in a surprising announcement, the governments ays it's reconsidering over-the-counters ale of the morning-after pill, but only to women 18 and older.

8. The fact that the courts are, in effect, shaping NCAA policy these days is a strong sign that the NCAA should take a more proactive role in reconsidering Amateurism.

9. Animalizing the Romans: the use of animal metaphors by ancient authors to criticize Roman power or its agents In : Reconsidering Roman power : Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian perceptions and reactions [en ligne]