Use "reconsidering" in a sentence

1. I'm reconsidering my engagement.

2. " Reconsidering the lifetime deferral of blood donation by men who have sex with men "

3. Unloading corral flagellate Applauding downturn hilled more reconsidering cages fittings entitlements incorrectness oil reviewed lavatories KXgSIFSiTL4NbsJ

4. They’re reconsidering now not because identity politics Balkanizes society, creates state-chosen favored groups and fosters communal strife

5. Notes: Harelipped skipman Lenclos lambastes shivery Abronia plurilingual ice-cubing noncombustibles tinkers memorablenesses Bicentennially reconsidering pervagate Pseudo-persian

6. A variety of suggestions were made regarding delivery, from reconsidering which department delivers the program, to branding logistics such as graphic formats and language barriers.

7. 7 And in a surprising announcement, the governments ays it's reconsidering over-the-counters ale of the morning-after pill, but only to women 18 and older.

8. The fact that the courts are, in effect, shaping NCAA policy these days is a strong sign that the NCAA should take a more proactive role in reconsidering Amateurism.

9. Animalizing the Romans: the use of animal metaphors by ancient authors to criticize Roman power or its agents In : Reconsidering Roman power : Roman, Greek, Jewish and Christian perceptions and reactions [en ligne]