reared in English

bring up and care for (a child) until they are fully grown, especially in a particular manner or place.
he was born and reared in New York City
(of a horse or other animal) raise itself upright on its hind legs.
the horse reared in terror

Use "reared" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reared" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reared", or refer to the context using the word "reared" in the English Dictionary.

1. The rabbit reared its ears.

2. The horse reared in fright.

3. We collected Captively reared fish as parr from two stocks and reared to adulthood at a freshwater hatchery

4. The horse reared, throwing its rider.

5. Both wild and Captively reared females attacked Captively reared males more frequently than wild males, indicating a preference for wild over Captively reared males, although the interplay between male dominance and female mate

6. Consanguineus was significantly longer when reared on L

7. The horse reared and threw off its rider.

8. She was reared in a strict Catholic household.

9. The birds have been successfully reared in captivity.

10. They reared a monument to commemorate the great musician.

11. We were reared on junk food and B-movies.

12. The foundling, of course, had to be reared a nobleman.

13. Can children be successfully reared in a blended family?

14. 16. (a) What happens to some children reared in Christian homes?

15. His difficulties did not derive from the way he was reared.

16. 18 They reared a monument to commemorate the great musician.

17. Well-reared sciatica humpbacked Adjectional bilabe heliochromotype blennoemesis psychagogy sidesman scorified

18. The startled horse reared back, letting the snake sneak into sixth place.

19. Newsom was baptized and reared in his father's Roman Catholic faith.

20. She lay down among strong young lions* and reared her cubs.

21. " When danger reared its ugly head He bravely turned his tail and fled

22. She reared the cows and the goats so that she can care for us.

23. We have publicised the plight of arctic terns, seals, badgers and intensively reared animals.

24. It wasn't long, for example, before ethnic nationalism reared its bloody head in Yugoslavia.

25. In another case, when the female stork was shot, the father reared the young.”

26. The rules of Conventionalism have reared an adamantine partition wall between the two

27. The familiar spectre of drought and famine has reared its ugly head again.

28. It is fairly safe to eat game and animals which can not be intensively reared.

29. More than 300 adult aphid per seedling were reared and produced ~50% Alate offsprings

30. He shall be reared in my house as the Prince of the Two Lands.

31. pigs which are adapted to the production of dry-cured ham (bigger, fatter pigs) are reared,

32. Abandoned fawns have been reared on a bottle, only to die within a few months.

33. I was trying to get near to them when my horse reared and I was thrown.

34. 13 The tenement reared up, a coaly silhouette flaring red, from the steep bank below them.

35. The roan horse reared once more, pawed at the air, forcing the other men away.

36. Ann, reared by moderately wealthy parents, found that “always scrimping and saving” was a real adjustment.

37. Calves are reared to become adult cattle or are slaughtered for their meat, called veal, and hide

38. The alates produce no larvae when reared on a synthetic diet even though they possess fully developed embryos.

39. Even when environmental factors were controlled by studying identical twins reared apart, the concordance rate remained the same.

40. A horse whinnied and reared; the troop trotted quickly out of the inn yard towards the high road.

41. A Backwoodsman was a term to describe someone who was reared in a remote, uncivilized or backwoods area

42. In an experimental channel, wild males dominated Captively reared males of similar size in 86% of spawning events

43. Following hatch, alevins reared at 8 °C were more effective in translating yolk into muscle than those reared at ambient temperature, so towards the end of yolk resorption there were no significant differences in fibre number or cross-sectional area.

44. It is Shandong where wild silkworm was earliest reared, and pongee as well as mulberry silks produced.

45. Values of around 1,5 % linolenic acid, 0,7 % EPA and > 0,2 % DHA are descriptive of grass-reared lamb.

46. Li Yuan's look of surprise as the Arab reared brought gasps as well as laughter from all round.

47. Brood the young of animals or of birds, hatched or reared at the same time or from the same dam

48. A woman reared by God-fearing parents explains: “We were never tagalongs who merely accompanied our parents in their work.

49. Brachaelurids have been successfully reared in home aquaria on diets of fresh and frozen seafood fed three times weekly.

50. Under laboratory conditions, mating tests were carried out with artificially reared moths of corn borer in various sex ratios.