radioactive waste in English

emnants that spew out radioactive rays

Use "radioactive waste" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radioactive waste" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radioactive waste", or refer to the context using the word "radioactive waste" in the English Dictionary.

1. 8 Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.

2. Radioactive waste is waste that contains radioactive material.

3. 7 These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.

4. 11 Radioactive waste has been found at the dump.

5. 2 People should keep away from the radioactive waste.

6. 19 There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste.

7. Maybe it's so big because the house was built on radioactive waste.

8. The house was built on radioactive waste and an ancient Indian burial ground?

9. Key words: clays, thermal consolidation, adsorbed water, permeability, temperature effects, radioactive waste disposal.

10. 24 Can't they see the insanity of dumping radioactive waste in the sea?

11. 23 The government declared that it did not dump radioactive waste at sea.

12. 16 The government has been storing radioactive waste at Fernald for 50 years.

13. IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) # “Proposed Indicators of Sustainable Development for Radioactive Waste Management”

14. - Solid and liquid radioactive waste of low, medium and high activity (alpha, beta, gamma)

15. 28 No one has solved the problem of what to do with radioactive waste.

16. The different kinds of radioactive waste are categorised in accordance with their activity and lifetime.

17. It can also be extracted to a high chemical and isotopic purity from radioactive waste.

18. 29 Economic benefits must be carefully weighed against the possible dangers of handling radioactive waste.

19. the emplacement of radioactive waste above or under the ground without the intention of retrieval

20. 27 We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste.

21. In general, how-ever, these problems pale to insignificance compared to the problem of radioactive waste disposal.

22. - Sound technical basis for demonstrating the safety of disposing of high level radioactive waste in geological formations

23. -assessing whether costs of decommissioning and radioactive waste management are transparently accounted for in all Member States.

24. Over the years, 100,000 tons of radioactive waste had been dumped in an unguarded, open-air site.

25. Radioactive waste from medical, research or technical activities mainly consists of discarded radiation sources and combustible waste.

26. The invention relates to a process for Bituminizing radioactive waste constituted by cation and/or anion exchange resins

27. 25 Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.

28. 24 Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.

29. 21 The nations augmented the prohibitions in 1993 with a voluntary moratorium on disposing of low-level radioactive waste.

30. The measures relating to fuels and radioactive waste include a figure of ECU 20 million allocated to monitoring fissile materials.

31. After the end of the Cold War, the department's attention also turned toward radioactive waste disposal and maintenance of environmental quality.

32. Long-lived radioactive waste from the back end of the fuel cycle is especially relevant when designing a complete waste management plan for SNF.

33. Bentonite is an absorbent clay formed from volcanic ash and is placed between the radioactive waste containers and the rock formation to act as a buffer.

34. On the other hand, an authoritarian command-and-control structure is a practical necessity of a nuclear power plant if radioactive waste is not to fall into the wrong hands.

35. Thiol-SAMMS can also recover precious metals such as copper and gold, and researchers are now switching out the sulfur for other atoms so that it could mop up radioactive waste.

36. The Endlager für radioaktive Abfälle Morsleben - ERAM (Morsleben repository) was used for the disposal of short-lived low and intermediate level radioactive waste with concentrations of alpha emitters up to 0.4 GBq/m3.

37. The planned modifications relate to Building #X in which the Pamela installation will be converted into a multi-functional processing and conditioning unit for intermediate and high level radioactive waste containing alpha radioactivity

38. In the period 1994 to 1998 approximately 22320 m3 of radioactive waste with a total activity of 0.08 TBq alpha radiation and 91 TBq in beta and gamma radiation was stored in Morsleben.

39. The planned modifications relate to Building 131X in which the Pamela installation will be converted into a multi-functional processing and conditioning unit for intermediate and high level radioactive waste containing alpha radioactivity.

40. Bulgaria has three categories of radioactive waste classified according to the equivalent dose rate of gamma emission at a distance of 0,1 m from the surface or the value of specifc alpha or beta activity.

41. In the early 1990s the Australian government suggested building a radioactive waste dump near Woomera in South Australia, to store waste from the Lucas Heights nuclear reactor in Sydney and from nuclear facilities around the world.

42. A new impulse will be given by concentrating research on reactor safety with greater attention to passive technologies, radioactive waste management, decommissioning operations, intervention in a hostile environment, fuel elements, actinides and control of fissile materials.

43. Meanwhile, some 17,000 containers of radioactive waste were reportedly discarded over a period of 30 years into the waters off the coast of Novaya Zemlya, used by the Soviets as a nuclear test site during the early 1950’s.

44. It has also emerged ('Die Rheinpfalz', 4 March 1997) that plans are afoot to set up a permanent site in Lorraine - in this case, for highly radioactive waste - and a budget assessment procedure has already been initiated in this connection.

45. Fusion has several advantages as a large-scale energy source; its basic fuels are abundant and available everywhere; no greenhouse gas emissions; no transportation of radio-active materials; no possibility of 'meltdown' or 'runaway reactions'; no long-lasting radioactive waste to be passed on to future generations.

46. Federal agencies and nuclear corporations continue to wrestle over what to do with the already tens of thousands of tons of high-level radioactive waste (at least 90,000 at last count) generated by America’s commercial nuclear power plants — all Casked up with nowhere to go (and a …

47. The extent of the physico-chemical processes of concern in the study of the acceptability of Eurobitum Bituminised radioactive waste for underground disposal (water uptake by hygroscopic NaNO 3 – swelling – pressure build-up – NaNO 3 leaching) will depend on the degree of ageing of the bituminous matrix