radioactive fallout in English

particles charged with radioactive material that were created due to an atomic explosio

Use "radioactive fallout" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radioactive fallout" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radioactive fallout", or refer to the context using the word "radioactive fallout" in the English Dictionary.

1. Radioactive Fallout—A Matter of Concern

2. 31 Radioactive Fallout—A Matter of Concern

3. 1.1 Radioactive fallout is nearly always transboundary.

4. I heard new vocabulary: nuclear bomb, radioactive fallout, bomb shelter.

5. They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.

6. 5 They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.

7. The study linked the increase directly to the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl.

8. The scientists wanted dry weather, and very little wind to spread radioactive fallout.

9. The ensuing fire released a plume of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere.

10. With the threat of radioactive fallout hanging over mankind, is it realistic to hope for a secure future?

11. Eight megatons of the yield was from fast fission of the uranium tamper, creating massive amounts of radioactive fallout.

12. However, 77% of the final yield came from fast fission of the uranium tamper, which produced large amounts of radioactive fallout.

13. For radioactive fallout following a nuclear explosion can cover with high concentration hundreds or thousands of square kilometres , in lower concentrations , the whole globe .

14. Hayward may have developed cancer from radioactive fallout from atmospheric atomic bomb tests while making The Conqueror with John Wayne in St. George, Utah.

15. In the aftermath of such a war vast areas of the earth could be subjected to prolonged darkness, abnormally low temperatures, violent windstorms, toxic smog and persistent radioactive fallout . . .

16. With nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s through the 1980s, 137Cs was released into the atmosphere and returned to the surface of the earth as a component of radioactive fallout.

17. Our air is polluted by heating and industrial emissions, engine exhaust, and radioactive fallout; our water by chemical and oil spills; and our ground by acid rain and toxic-waste dumps.

18. Meanwhile, in the atolls that were doused by radioactive fallout, the rate of thyroid abnormalities, cataracts, retardation in growth, stillbirths and miscarriages for the inhabitants is far higher than among the other Marshallese.

19. A cobalt Bomb is a type of "salted Bomb": a nuclear weapon designed to produce enhanced amounts of radioactive fallout, intended to contaminate a large area with radioactive material.The concept of a cobalt Bomb was originally described in a radio program by physicist Leó Szilárd on February 26, 1950