radicalization in English

noun radicalization (Amer.)

['rædɪkələ'zeɪʃn /-laɪ'z-]

process of making extreme, act of making radical (also radicalisation)

Use "radicalization" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radicalization" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radicalization", or refer to the context using the word "radicalization" in the English Dictionary.

1. He said only integration can counter radicalization.

2. The Prime Minister said both leaders also discussed ways to counter terrorism and radicalization.

3. And we must strengthen our security cooperation and share best practices to counter radicalization.

4. * The politics of terror and radicalization to destabilize society is not the monopoly of non-state actors.

5. * Rashtrapatiji will visit the Tajik National University where he will deliver an address on ‘Countering Radicalization: Challenges in Modern Societies’.

6. Malnourishment, due to age-based food rationing, violence against women and children, as well as marginalization and radicalization remained serious issues.

7. Are we planning on doing such activity, giving money for more of these kind of de-radicalization and anti-terrorism measures?

8. UAE itself has zero tolerance on terrorism and not only that but they have very aggressive program to counter violent extremism and radicalization.

9. On the question on countering radicalization, yes, it is absolutely true that our Prime Minister has interacted with the leaders of the ASEAN member countries and in fact at the last India-ASEAN summit in Laos, he had in fact announced India’s desire to host an international conference on countering radicalization.

10. * While we need concerted action to deprive terrorist actors of access to finance and arms, we also need to address extremism and radicalization.

11. Terrorism, extremism, and radicalization are a global scourge that must be fought and terrorist safe havens rooted out in every part of the world ... this is something we can all get behind.

12. Over the last fifteen years, the Right Honourable Hazel Blears has occupied various key positions in the British government on issues related to terrorism, radicalization and engagement with Muslim communities

13. PM Modi had given a call for a BRICS Counter-Terrorism Strategy for joint-action with a focus on money laundering, terrorist-finance, cyber-space and de-radicalization as our priorities.

14. This Abolitionism lesson provides a historical sketch of the emergence of the Abolition Movement in the United States and their calls to end slavery from the early beginning in the 1700s until the radicalization in the 1830s and 1840s

15. So these are basically outcome documents, program of action and like Secretary had already said that one of the most important document which came out as an outcome of the summit was the appeal to the youth against radicalization.

16. The parties agreed on the need for a comprehensive approach to terrorism, based on the rule of law and protection of human rights and for enhancing cooperation in dealing with violent extremism in all its aspects, including preventing and Countering radicalization and addressing the root causes of thereof.

17. * Agreeing on the imperative of having a comprehensive approach to address terrorism, India and France resolved to step up their bilateral cooperation, under the supervision of annual strategic dialogues and joint working group on counterterrorism meetings, to counter violent extremism and radicalization, disrupt recruitment, terrorist movements and flow of Foreign Terrorist Fighters, stop sources of terrorist financing, dismantle terrorist infrastructure and prevent supply of arms to terrorists.