radicalisation in English

noun radicalisation (Brit.)

process of making extreme, act of making radical (also radicalization)

Use "radicalisation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radicalisation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radicalisation", or refer to the context using the word "radicalisation" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Commission is accelerating its work in this field notably through the High-Level Expert Group on Radicalisation.

2. setting up the group of experts serving as Steering Board for Union actions on preventing and countering radicalisation

3. The group of experts serving as Steering Board for Union actions on preventing and countering radicalisation (‘the Steering Board’) is set up.

4. Our response must be to prevent terrorism, as set out in the EU Counter Terrorism Strategy, and address radicalisation leading to terrorism.

5. But comprehensive approaches under the strand of the EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy aimed at addressing radicalisation and recruitment are not widely used.

6. * India would like to exchange information on strategies for de-radicalisation, learn from Singaporean experience of involvement of private sector and academia in ensuring cyber security and Singapore's system of profiling containers/sea cargo and air passengers.

7. In particular these authorities, alongside both national and regional law enforcement partners with powers to protect persons and property, will drive the delivery of the Prevent pillar and forthcoming counter terrorism and de-radicalisation initiatives across Member States;

8. In keeping with the high priority BIMSTEC Members attach to combat terrorism and trans-national crime, it was agreed that India would host the first ever meeting of BIMSTEC National Security Chiefs to discuss action against spread of terrorism, violent extremism and radicalisation.

9. have regard to the role that the internet, social media and digitalisation can play in promoting solidarity, political participation and active citizenship among young people and in combating political alienation, populism, propaganda and radicalisation that may lead to violent extremism;

10. * Both sides noted that addressing the menace of global terrorism should be based on a comprehensive approach which should include, but not limited to, countering violent extremism, combating radicalisation and recruitment, disrupting terrorist movements, stopping all sources for financing of terrorism, stopping flow of Foreign Terrorist Fighters, dismantling terrorist infrastructure, and countering terrorist propaganda through the internet.