quarrels in English

an angry argument or disagreement, typically between people who are usually on good terms.
he made the mistake of picking a quarrel with John
a short, heavy, square-headed arrow or bolt used in a crossbow or arbalest.
A few Elven archers fell, pierced by the poisoned crossbow quarrels (arrows).
have an angry argument or disagreement.
stop quarreling with your sister
synonyms:arguefightdisagreefall outdifferbe at oddsbickersquabblecross swordslock hornsbe at each other's throatsaltercate

Use "quarrels" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quarrels" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quarrels", or refer to the context using the word "quarrels" in the English Dictionary.

1. Dissension Quarrels disagreements Contentiousness

2. Lovers’ quarrels are soon mended.

3. 3 Sarah quarrels with the charwoman.

4. There are screams, quarrels, Blaspheming and blows; …

5. The government collapsed amid budget quarrels.

6. Peaceable people keep out of quarrels.

7. Regional clashes could develop into larger quarrels.

8. Quarrels of the argumentative type increased with age.

9. I use hardwood quarrels, with vials of cyanide attached.

10. They have frequent quarrels, but they soon blow over.

11. Broils (7): angry, violent quarrels or riots

12. You have no business in Roman family quarrels

13. Quarrels of lovers but renew their love. 

14. 2 Quarrels of lovers but renew their love. 

15. We had quarrels, reconciliations - it was a love affair really.

16. Acrimonious words or quarrels are bitter and angry.

17. I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels.

18. 6 The speech of the stupid one leads to quarrels,+

19. Acrimony definition: Acrimony is bitter and angry words or quarrels

20. As a result, quarrels with his wife were never-ending.

21. 9 I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels.

22. People Howard has never heard of pick quarrels and pass out.

23. I don't think it necessary to rake up their old quarrels.

24. 28 I don't think it necessary to rake up their old quarrels.

25. 24 Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures. Alexandre Dumas 

26. The definition of Aggressive is someone or something that starts fights or quarrels

27. Such quarrels take place even among one's own kith and kin.

28. Those who in quarrels interpose must often wipe a bloody nose.

29. Alabamians seem to a rambunctious race, their family quarrels, usually ending in violence

30. How can quarrels be avoided by a person not looking for his own interests?

31. Arguing with a narcissist is a completely different experience from regular relationship quarrels

32. The quarrels of the different political parties seemed likely to disrupt the state.

33. Synonyms for Bloodlettings include altercation, argument, disagreements, disputes, fights, fracases, melees, quarrels, pogroms and annihilation

34. Synonyms for Altercations include arguments, contentions, disagreements, disputes, dissensions, quarrels, rows, squabbles, wrangles and clashes

35. The petty quarrels were a sad commentary on the state of the government.

36. Quarrels were generally messy, involving hot tempers, grief, unpredictable actions, passion, outrage, betrayal.

37. Synonyms for Aggresses include charges, assaults, besets, assails, strikes, fights, quarrels, storms, goes at and has at

38. The average number of quarrels per hour was three to four, although this was probably an underestimation.

39. Synonyms for Argufies include quarrels, argues, squabbles, bickers, wrangles, rows, disputes, fights, scraps and altercates

40. Everywhere the usual Anarchic quarrels rose among the rebels, and the country was plundered mercilessly

41. With the human who loves quarrels, speaks in the heart with the stranger the speech.

42. If it’s ill-Aspected, there will be disagreements with employees and quarrels or even violence in marriage

43. The characteristic is looked that resembles stockily but actually insincere, frequently quarrels with the same table of Pakistan.

44. Barratry definition: (formerly) the vexatious stirring up of quarrels or bringing of lawsuits Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

45. How distant now seem the quarrels of the spring over the introduction of new short-range missiles.

46. When discords, and quarrels, and factions, are carried openly and Audaciously, it is a sign the reverence of government is lost.

47. Labor unions continue to wage these dismal quarrels against management with almost uniformly disastrous results for the workers and their communities.

48. Mademoiselle Cormon was, without being aware of it, made happier by such little quarrels, which served as Cathartics to relieve her bitterness.

49. RICHARDSON Add to this, that they might have arisen even in a state of nature, and have been Coequal with the quarrels of mankind.

50. Berbers and Arabs in Libya live together in general amicability, but quarrels between the two peoples occasionally erupted until recent times