quarks in English

any of a number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electric charge, postulated as building blocks of the hadrons. Quarks have not been directly observed, but theoretical predictions based on their existence have been confirmed experimentally.
Research into the atom's nucleus has uncovered a variety of subatomic particles, including quarks and gluons.
a type of low-fat curd cheese.
Plain or flavored yogurt, quark , cottage cheese, beaten mascarpone or ricotta could be substituted for the fromage blanc.

Use "quarks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quarks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quarks", or refer to the context using the word "quarks" in the English Dictionary.

1. Quarks & Antiquarks Quarks and Antiquarks are the fundamental particles

2. Quarks exist in a soup of other quarks, Antiquarks and gluons within a proton or neutron

3. [The neutron is an example of an electrically neutral particle that is not its own Antiparticle; like the proton, the neutron contains more quarks than anti-quarks, whereas the anti-neutron contains more anti-quarks than quarks.]

4. Quarks and Antiquarks The baryons and mesons are complex subatomic particles built from more-elementary objects, the quarks

5. All stable configurations of quarks, Antiquarks, and gluons have zero net color, which requires either three quarks (because red + blue + green sum to …

6. In subatomic particle: Quarks and Antiquarks The baryons and mesons are complex subatomic particles built from more-elementary objects, the quarks

7. What happens in fact is that left-handed quarks interact only with left-handed Antiquarks and right-handed quarks interact only with right-handed Antiquarks

8. They are made up of other fundamental particles called quarks. "

9. The antiparticles of quarks, or Antiquarks, also appeared around this time

10. The following table summarizes the key properties of the six quarks.

11. The charm quarks were observed bound with charm antiquarks in mesons.

12. Quarks and Antiquarks, which interact with the strong nuclear force, have color charges that [+] correspond to red, green and blue (for the quarks) and cyan, magenta and yellow (for the

13. Antiquarks and quarks make up the neutrons and protons of the nucleus

14. This phenomenon is known as color confinement: quarks never appear in isolation.

15. Quarks and leptons make up everyday matter, which is held together by Bosons

16. However, both protons and neutrons are composite particles composed of elementary particles called quarks.

17. Quarks and Antiquarks are bound together inside the proton by a strong nuclear force

18. Fractals, quarks and chaos theory share space with morphic resonance(Sentencedict), channelling and UFO-lore.

19. El número de tipos de quarks y Antiquarks en la materia es el mismo

20. The "color charge" of quarks and gluons is completely unrelated to the everyday meaning of color.

21. Physicists currently believe there are three types of basic building blocks of matter: quarks, leptons, and Bosons

22. A proton contains two up quarks and one down quark; a neutron contains two down and one up.

23. More obscure findings can fare worse: Germs, quarks, black holes, and continental drift were all once considered laughable .

24. Yes, the 6 Antiquarks are antiparticles of the 6 quarks – in other words, they're particles of "antimatter"

25. This “sea” of quarks and Antiquarks popping in and out of existence is ever-present inside the proton.

26. Fortunately, actual working scientists rarely bother with such niceties - so they proceed to search for Neptune, quarks and so on.

27. Discuss the categories of subatomic particles prescribed in radiation oncology such as Bosons, fermions, leptons, quarks, baryons, hadrons, and mesons

28. One of the quarks and one of the antiquarks meet and, in a process called annihilation, produce a W particle.

29. Will the number of quarks making up the present theory continue to account for new particles yet to be discovered?

30. Hadrons inherit their flavour quantum number from their valence quarks: this is the basis of the classification in the quark model.

31. 2 The uncertainty principle also predicts that there will be similar virtual pairs of matter particles, such as electrons or quarks.

32. ‘The Antineutron, although neutral like the neutron, is distinguishable from the neutron because it is composed of two anti-down quarks and one anti-up quark.’ ‘The Antineutron contains one anti-up quark and two anti-down quarks, giving it a charge of 0, just like the regular neutron.’

33. In the example of the neutron, the 'ordinary' particle is made out of quarks and the Antiparticle out of antiquarks.

34. It is a type of fundamental and elementary particle. Antiquarks and quarks make up the neutrons and protons of the nucleus

35. This means that gluons for some reason produce jets that are more spread out than the ones that originate from quarks.

36. Held together by particles called gluons, quarks and their antimatter counterparts, Antiquarks, cluster in threes to form baryons (including protons and neutrons) …

37. A neutron cannot be its own Antiparticle because it is made up of quarks and an antineutron is made up of antiquarks

38. There are six quarks (up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom), and six leptons (electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino).

39. The quarks, these pink things, are the things that make up protons and neutrons that make up the atomic nuclei in your body.

40. As a result, many particles with strange-sounding names are written about—positrons, photons, mesons, quarks, and gluons, to name but a few.

41. High-energy collisions can cause the quarks within hadrons, or newly created quark–Antiquark pairs, to fly apart from each other with very high energies.

42. The researchers’ work showed evidence from muon pair production measurements that these distributions of Antiquarks are significantly different, with more abundant “down” type antimatter quarks

43. The particles being seen in the ever-more-powerful accelerators were, according to the theory, typically nothing more than combinations of these quarks.

44. Jaffe 1977 suggested the H dibaryon, a six-quark state with equal numbers of up-, down-, and strange quarks (represented as uuddss or udsuds).

45. Our confidence in this procedure is bolstered because a similar approach accurately predicted the top quark mass before any top quarks had been detected directly.

46. The strong force binds quarks of different colors together into composite particles such as protons and neutrons, which are “Colorless,” with no net color charge

47. However, the neutron consists of one up quark (charge +2/3) and two down quarks (charge –1/3), and the Antineutron consists of one anti-up quark …

48. The strength of this force can pull pairs of quarks and Antiquarks out of nothing, and these pairs exist for a short time before annihilating each other

49. Quarks and Antiquarks are the only two fundamental particles that interact through all four fundamental forces of physics: gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak interactions.

50. Quarks, which make up composite particles like neutrons and protons, come in six "flavors" – up, down, strange, charm, top and bottom – which give those composite particles their properties.