presages in English

a sign or warning that something, typically something bad, will happen; an omen or portent.
the fever was a somber presage of his final illness
(of an event) be a sign or warning that (something, typically something bad) will happen.
the outcome of the game presaged the coming year
synonyms:portendaugurforeshadowforetellprophesybe an omen ofheraldbe a sign ofbe the harbinger ofwarn ofbe a presage ofsignalbodepromisethreatenbetokenforetokenforebode

Use "presages" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "presages" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "presages", or refer to the context using the word "presages" in the English Dictionary.

1. This is a cheerful work with a delectable slow movement and a finale which presages Papageno's music.

2. Lawrence’s Day presages a fair autumn.” August 11 marks the end of the Dog Days of Summer, which began on July 3

3. Massine's The Seventh Symphony was one of his Allegorical symphonic ballets, like the earlier Les Presages and Choreartium; this one suggested, no less, the creation and destruction of the world.