pompey in English

( 106–48 bc ) , Roman general and statesman; Latin name Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus ; known as Pompey the Great . He founded the First Triumvirate, but later quarreled with Julius Caesar, who defeated him at the battle of Pharsalus. He then fled to Egypt, where he was murdered.

Use "pompey" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pompey" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pompey", or refer to the context using the word "pompey" in the English Dictionary.

1. Two soldiers approach on horseback, bearing crest of Pompey.

2. So that in the Beastliest sense you are Pompey the Great

3. Palestine became a client state in 63 B.C., when Pompey took Jerusalem.

4. I propose the immediate recall of Pompey and his legions from Spain.

5. Suetonius later describes Caesar's major reforms upon defeating Pompey and seizing power.

6. Let it carry to Crassus and Pompey as distant thunder promising storm and blood!

7. Spartacus will not be put to grass by brute force, as Pompey would surely attempt.

8. Philip II himself briefly ruled parts of Syria in the 60s BC, as a client king under Pompey.

9. Later rulers and commanders used the epithet "the Great" as a personal name, like the Roman general Pompey.

10. Pompey now headed east into Armenia, where Tigranes submitted to him, placing his royal diadem at his feet.

11. In 44 BC, Caesar designated Buthrotum as a colony to reward soldiers who had fought for him against Pompey.

12. At this point, defeated Roman general Pompey the Great came to Egypt seeking refuge from his pursuing rival Julius Caesar.

13. Pompey accepted Pharnaces II's submission and, in returned, named Pharnaces II as the Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom.

14. Pompey was too young and Crassus was supposed to wait a year between his praetorship and a position of Consulship

15. Pompey had the backing of a majority of the senators, of whom many were optimates, and his army significantly outnumbered the veteran Caesarian legions.

16. Pompey treated him generously and allowed him to retain his kingdom shorn of his conquests in return for 6,000 talents/180 tonnes of silver.

17. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that Pompey was, in fact, elected, not appointed, to his third, sole Consulship in 52 B.C

18. Pompey organized his forces, close to 45,000 legionaries, including Lucullus' troops, and signed an alliance with the Parthians, who attacked and kept Tigranes busy in the east.

19. On 9 August 48 BC at Pharsalus in central Greece, Gaius Julius Caesar and his allies formed up opposite the army of the republic under the command of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus ("Pompey the Great").

20. In 47 BC the Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar after the conclusion of his military victory against the Triumvir Pompey, deprived and deposed his father of his office of high priest and rule over Comana.

21. Deiotarus became an ally of the Roman Republic's general Pompey in 63 BC, who named him king of all the Celtic tribes of Asia minor, which were collectively known as Galatians (hence the name Galatia for the region).

22. Cicero (106 bce – 43 bce) was a lawyer and public figure who undertook the senatorial cursus honorum, reaching the consulship in 63 bce.He was subsequently involved in the civil war between Pompey and Caesar before falling victim to the purge of the Second Triumvirate (Octavian, Lepidus, Mark Antony).In discussions of Cicero and religion one should avoid the temptation to