idf liaison unit for lebanon in English

Israeli military unit which provides services to the military forces in Lebano

Use "idf liaison unit for lebanon" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "idf liaison unit for lebanon" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "idf liaison unit for lebanon", or refer to the context using the word "idf liaison unit for lebanon" in the English Dictionary.

1. It was involved in the Lebanese Civil War, initiating Operation Litani and later the 1982 Lebanon War, where the IDF ousted Palestinian guerilla organizations from Lebanon.

2. Similar IDF programs exist for Israeli overseas residents.

3. Sample to be prepared according to IDF Standard #C:# or IDF Standard #A

4. A goodly portion of that correspondence was with the Home Office's Security and Intelligence Liaison Unit.

5. Young children are not admitted to the Unit, but there is close liaison with the Paediatric Department.

6. Compeer of Lebanon County, Lebanon, Pennsylvania

7. But the need for close liaison goes further.

8. She is responsible for liaison with researchers at other universities.

9. Note 3: Sample preparation to be carried out according to IDF Standard 122C:1996 or according to IDF Standard 73A:1985.

10. Note 3: Sample preparation to be carried out according to IDF Standard 122C:1996 or according to IDF Standard 73A:1985

11. Note 3: Sample preparation to be carried out according to IDF Standard 122B:1992 or according to IDF Standard 73A:1985.

12. Sample preparation is according to IDF Standard #B

13. Rivlin visits IDF snow mountain patrol Alpinist unit on Mount Hermon Rivlin made his way up the mountain to the Alpinists' hut by Snow Cat to speak to the unit soldiers and offer a few words of

14. - deployment of document advisors – or ALO s (air liaison officers) and immigration liaison officers, ILO s.

15. But hers was an unpleasant liaison.

16. Forwarding of modifications to the Central Register by the central excise liaison offices and the liaison departments

17. Baalbek, Lebanon Baalbek Temple of Bacchus: Exterior of the Temple of Bacchus at Baalbek, Lebanon

18. ATC liaison — compliance, R/T procedures, Airmanship


20. Ridgerunner Mtn. Curs, Lebanon, Tennessee

21. Benwood Mt. Lebanon Church, Brazil

22. Sample preparation is made according to IDF-Standard 122B/1992.

23. Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with IDF Standard 50B:1985

24. Born and raised in Israel on hummus and Chutzpah, Inbal garnered her entrepreneurial skills during her mandatory military service where she was a Lieutenant in the elite IDF intelligence 8200 unit

25. Crochets, attachements, et liaison selle chassis 1