poison pill in English

a tactic used by a company threatened with an unwelcome takeover bid to make itself unattractive to the bidder.
The next time you read a news release that says that your company is using a poison pill to ward off a takeover attempt, you'll now know what it means.

Use "poison pill" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "poison pill" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "poison pill", or refer to the context using the word "poison pill" in the English Dictionary.

1. We're having a hard time getting the African bloc to remove the poison pill provision.

2. 6 editorial “The party’s poison pill”: I am pleased to see the editorial board take a consistent, well-articulated stand against the preposterous Blusterings of Republican

3. ‘However, there is a Clawback if the child disposes of these assets within six years.’ ‘The city's incentives policies and practices always called for Clawbacks and monitoring.’ ‘The changes include a ‘poison pill’ in the form of a Clawback on duty reliefs claimed on the transfer of the property into the target company.’

4. ‘However, there is a Clawback if the child disposes of these assets within six years.’ ‘The city's incentives policies and practices always called for Clawbacks and monitoring.’ ‘The changes include a ‘poison pill’ in the form of a Clawback on duty reliefs claimed on the transfer of the property into the target company.’