Use "poison pill" in a sentence

1. We're having a hard time getting the African bloc to remove the poison pill provision.

2. 6 editorial “The party’s poison pill”: I am pleased to see the editorial board take a consistent, well-articulated stand against the preposterous Blusterings of Republican

3. ‘However, there is a Clawback if the child disposes of these assets within six years.’ ‘The city's incentives policies and practices always called for Clawbacks and monitoring.’ ‘The changes include a ‘poison pill’ in the form of a Clawback on duty reliefs claimed on the transfer of the property into the target company.’

4. ‘However, there is a Clawback if the child disposes of these assets within six years.’ ‘The city's incentives policies and practices always called for Clawbacks and monitoring.’ ‘The changes include a ‘poison pill’ in the form of a Clawback on duty reliefs claimed on the transfer of the property into the target company.’