poised in English

having a composed and self-assured manner.
Keira was always in control, always composed, poised and confident.
be or cause to be balanced or suspended.
he poised motionless on his toes
synonyms:balancehold (oneself) steadybe suspendedremain motionlesshanghover

Use "poised" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "poised" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "poised", or refer to the context using the word "poised" in the English Dictionary.

1. He poised his head disdainfully.

2. She stood poised for a moment.

3. The economy is poised for recovery.

4. He is a remarkably poised young man.

5. The military forces are poised for attack.

6. The bee hung poised above the flower.

7. The dancer was poised on one foot.

8. Auds stock is poised to take off

9. The economy is poised for take - off.

10. Peter hesitated, his hand poised above the telephone.

11. He studied the keyboard carefully, one finger poised.

12. She is poised, self-confident, talented, and gracious.

13. The world stood poised between peace and war.

14. They hovered by the door, poised for flight.

15. She always seemed so poised, so self-possessed.

16. The local economy is poised for take-off.

17. The economy is poised on the edge of collapse.

18. She was poised to challenge for the party leadership.

19. The cat crouched in the grass, poised to jump.

20. His finger was poised on the camera's shutter release.

21. 4 However, Big Mac is poised to bounce back.

22. The British team is poised to win the title.

23. Tina was tense, her hand poised over the telephone.

24. He stopped writing and looked at me, pen poised.

25. His manner was perfectly poised between gravity and teasing.

26. The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop.

27. The cat Crouched in the grass, poised to jump

28. 16 He stopped writing and looked at me, pen poised.

29. Frank developed into a useful striker, stylish, poised and unselfish.

30. She poised the javelin in her hand before the throw.

31. Spain was poised to become the dominant power in Europe.

32. He walked along with a jug poised on his head.

33. Christianity poised to continue its shift from Europe to Africa

34. He sat with his pencil poised, ready to take notes.

35. In 1473 B.C.E., Israel was poised to enter the Promised Land.

36. All around me I sensed evil beings poised with daggers.

37. He studied the keyboard carefully(Sentence dictionary), one finger poised.

38. He poised the javelin in his hand before throwing it.

39. The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.

40. 13 He stopped writing and looked at me,(www.Sentencedict.com) pen poised.

41. Poised Japanese Billiardist, Noriko Katsura, lines up shot in Manila exhibition

42. Die Gruenen seem poised to step into the third party gap.

43. Pincers poised and eyes gleaming , a bulldog ant surveys its surroundings.

44. 3 A tabby cat was poised to pounce at any second.

45. The rebels are poised for a new assault on the government garrisons.

46. 27 The cat crouched in the grass,[www.Sentencedict.com] poised to jump.

47. The girl poised the glass on the edge of the table.

48. 8 The diver poised on the edge of the high board.

49. 30 The girl poised the glass on the edge of the table.

50. And now here they lie, poised at the edge of the unknown.