plunk in English

the sound made by abruptly plucking a string of a stringed instrument.
Between songs he crouches and we can all hear the plunk plunk of strings being tuned.
a heavy blow.
Colorado pitchers put the Astros lifer over the top, delivering his last five plunks , three by Jason Jennings.
play a keyboard or plucked stringed instrument, especially in an inexpressive or unskilled way.
Even during casual conversation he plunks out impromptu background music.

Use "plunk" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plunk" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plunk", or refer to the context using the word "plunk" in the English Dictionary.

1. We'll plunk for more public housing.

2. The voters seemed to plunk for the Labour Candidate.

3. I'll plunk for noodles rather than buns.

4. There was a final plunk from the piano, and silence.

5. Americans love to plunk themselves down in front of the TV.

6. The Bulge Buster is used IF your sized cases will not chamber (drop in barrel and make a nice "plunk" sound)

7. This is a practical war crime and Ovi is going to have to plunk a couple coins back in the league Coiffers to make things right again

8. Option Explicit Sub Averten() Dim aryInputRangeVals As Variant Dim aryOutput As Variant Dim tmp As Variant Dim lRemainder As Long Dim lRetsNeeded As Long Dim i As Long Dim x As Long With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Averages") ' or use the sheets's codename '// plunk everything that is left in Col A (I think?) into an array // aryInputRangeVals

9. To answer @JC66 12:23, probably the sixth person to do so, there could possibly be a 7 letter word, say LIGHTEN (just an example, the following word in not a real word!) located twixt two Triple Word Squares, and if you had an A and S tile, could plunk them down on either side to make Alightens and fanangle the NONUPLE.