plop in English

a short sound as of a small, solid object dropping into water without a splash.
The fly lands with a soft plop hardly breaking the water surface.
fall or cause to fall with a plop.
the stone plopped into the pond

Use "plop" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plop" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plop", or refer to the context using the word "plop" in the English Dictionary.

1. Did you hear it plop?

2. The cork came out plop.

3. Quick unexpected frog goes Plop!

4. The hobo could not flow, could not plop.

5. A stone fell plop into the water.

6. The soap fell plop into the bath.

7. The stone fell plop into the water.

8. A prim plop as it landed, sank.

9. Her earring went plop into the soup.

10. Plop! The big stone dropped into the pond.

11. Just plop the noodles over the center of the sauce.

12. The stone fell with a plop into the river.

13. Can you just plop some ice in my drink?

14. Another drop of water fell with a soft plop.

15. 2 The hobo could not flow, could not plop.

16. The stone fell into the water with a plop.

17. The soap fell into the bath with a loud plop.

18. Down the road you'll see a Plop down there if you like.

19. The frog reached the stream and jumped in with a plop.

20. He dropped a pebble from the bridge and waited for plop.

21. He dropped a pebble from the bridge and waited for the plop.

22. It came out with a sickening plop and a gushing gout of blood.

23. Three quiet days went past in the slow slap and plop of the river.

24. The green ones held on tighter, didn't plop into her palms but had to be tugged.

25. He dropped the stone and it rolled a little before falling into the water with a soft plop.

26. And suddenly, with the water, out came the long slimy newt straight into the glass, plop!

27. He eyed them and tossed the small ones over his shoulder into the water with a plop.

28. That’s why, for weeknight meals, I’m an occasional plop-it-out-of-the-tube Breadstick maker and biscuit …

29. There was a plop as it landed in the water, then it thrashed around wildly for a few seconds before settling down.

30. Rain was dripping through the roof in several places, falling with a recurrent plop and splash on to the wet floor-boards.

31. Yet someone does not want to be honest, and offers the quick fix " good, " to try and mask the truth and send me hurling into the evening with a plop of disorganized tresses.

32. Borage seeds should be planted 1/4- to 1/2-inch deep, so you can either poke a hole and plop in a seed every 12 inches, or take the easy route and sprinkle seeds on the soil

33. Having Blintzes was a weekly event, and we considered them homemade because someone had to buy them, reheat them, and plop the perfect condiments on top for a warming “re-start” before boarding the bus back to our afternoon classes