placentas in English

a flattened circular organ in the uterus of pregnant eutherian mammals, nourishing and maintaining the fetus through the umbilical cord.
Causes of spontaneous abortion may relate to the fetus, the placenta , or the uterus.
(in flowers) part of the ovary wall to which the ovules are attached.
The entire placenta with attached ovules was removed via a longitudinal incision in the ovary wall.

Use "placentas" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "placentas" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "placentas", or refer to the context using the word "placentas" in the English Dictionary.

1. In 46 twin-couples placentas have been examined.

2. Aromatizing capacity of placentas from diabetic patients].

3. A firm near Paris, France, buys 15 tons of placentas every day!

4. It is reported about histological findings of 74 placentas from cases of EPH-Gestosis (toxemia).

5. Later splits may result in embryos sharing placentas, Amnions and chorions

6. How do you feel about women selling their placentas for stem cell research?

7. Celeb Moms Who Ate Their Own Placentas More and more Celeb moms are eating their placentas after their pregnancies — click through the gallery to see how they consumed them! Love Lives

8. Injection studies of twin placentas have shown that such Anastomoses are almost invariably present in monochori …

9. So in this experiment, we took placentas of monkeys that had different social status.

10. In 1987 alone, the United States shipped some 1.7 million pounds [0.8 million kg] of placentas overseas.

11. We analyzed a total of 179 placentas from normal hospital deliveries, premature births and abortions.

12. Mammalian mothers have highly complex placentas for the nourishment and development of their unborn young.

13. The ovules are attached to T-shaped placentas in Parnassia, and directly to the ovary wall in Lepuropetalon.

14. The presence of these plasmic polyps was investigated in placentas of different age after normal and pathological pregnancy.

15. They've even collected 9,000 placentas from some of the births, which are now pickled in plastic buckets in a secure storage warehouse.

16. Sweet paprika is mostly composed of the pericarp, with more than half of the seeds removed, whereas hot paprika contains some seeds, stalks, placentas, and calyces.

17. Methods 3 cases of acardia were observed with analyses of clinical features, their externalities and the structures of viscera and placentas.

18. For this purpose 494 placentas, divided into a normal control group and a pathologic group from patients with toxemia of pregnancy, were systematically examined.

19. They said that in several African countries, for instance, maternal mortality dropped dramatically when midwives received permission to remove placentas that were not expelled after birth.

20. As the mother dog instinctively eats the Afterbirth while caring for new puppies, it may become difficult to keep track of the how many placentas were

21. Horse blood has been a source of tetanus serum, and gamma globulin to fight disease has long been derived from the blood in human placentas (the afterbirth).

22. Admiringly So too, men and women handle string bags every day, often Admiringly and possessively, but they are revolted by placentas and other birth substances

23. For years, doctors concluded that a single placenta (afterbirth) for a pair of same-sex twins proved they were identical, while two placentas were proof of their being fraternal.

24. The placentas have been retained and frozen by some hospitals and later collected by a pharmaceutical laboratory so that the blood rich in antibodies could be processed to extract gamma globulin.

25. Flower: bisexual; sepals 5, free, persistent or not; petals 5, free, generally spreading, twisted (corolla propeller-like) or not; stamens 10, Appendaged on inside base or not; ovary superior, chambers (and lobes) 5--10, each with 1--several ovules, placentas axile