Use "plagued" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "plagued" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "plagued", or refer to the context using the word "plagued" in the English Dictionary.

1. The project has been plagued by delays.

2. Famine plagued a score of nations.

3. She was plagued with arthritis.

4. However, technical hitches plagued the first night.

5. Insomnia plagued her and sapped her strength.

6. The people have been plagued by thirst, they've been plagued by frogs, by lice, by flies, by sickness, by boils.

7. He was plagued by eye troubles.

8. The Army was plagued by internal divisions .

9. We were plagued by the ubiquitous mosquito.

10. Ethnic tension has also plagued northern Ghana.

11. Why are travelers especially plagued with this affliction?

12. TODAY’S world is plagued by “pangs of distress.”

13. Diem was plagued by chaos throughout the summer.

14. Are you plagued by painful memories of hurtful past experiences?

15. An undeniable perfection that plagued my soul.

16. 4 Famine plagued a score of nations.

17. Imagine the questions that must have plagued Nebuchadnezzar!

18. Despite his enlightenment, physical problems still plagued him.

19. Most sweeteners are plagued with unwanted unpleasant Aftertastes

20. She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.

21. He says he is plagued by stage fright.

22. Not surprisingly, the work was plagued by desertions.

23. We were plagued by a myriad tiny flies.

24. Lord knows I have plagued the pigeons often enough.

25. 18 She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.

26. The government has been plagued by repeated corruption scandals.

27. The children plagued him with questions all through lunch.

28. The team has been plagued by injury this season.

29. Ballyhooed state coronavirus testing lab in Valencia plagued with inconclusive tests Gov

30. The area is plagued by soil erosion and flooding.

31. Elway has been plagued all season by back problems.

32. This Charmed is plagued with Democrat views of young people

33. This criminal has plagued my family for nearly 20 years.

34. He was plagued by dark impulses, evil thoughts of violence.

35. The project's been plagued with financial problems all along the line.

36. As he is a mulatto person's identity, their lives are plagued by racism.

37. And why are we plagued with so many seemingly insoluble problems?

38. The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch.

39. Sarah had been plagued continually by a series of minor illnesses.

40. The administration has been plagued by scandal and controversy.

41. He is plagued by demons which go back to his traumatic childhood.

42. 24 Yet, to many it seemed that Jesus was “plagued” by God.

43. Who is not occasionally plagued by discouragement, impatience, the taking of offense?

44. Such calamities as famines, diseases, earthquakes, and wars have plagued them on an unprecedented scale.

45. Errors of omission and treatment have plagued the study of Allometry in primates.

46. Because of this, Plantin was plagued by rumors that he printed heretical books.

47. At the beginning of Festus’ time in office, Judea was plagued by bandits.

48. Nevertheless... we... we pushed on towards the Ogowe River... plagued by mandrake flies.

49. Perhaps this is a reflection of the problems that have plagued nuclear fission.

50. Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters.