pinnate in English

(of a compound leaf) having leaflets arranged on either side of the stem, typically in pairs opposite each other.
Immatures have a weakly developed taproot, and have pinnate compound leaves with two or three leaflets.

Use "pinnate" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pinnate" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pinnate", or refer to the context using the word "pinnate" in the English Dictionary.

1. As adjectives the difference between Bipinnate and pinnate is that Bipinnate is (botanyof a leaf) doubly pinnate; pinnate and having leaflets that are themselves pinnate while pinnate is resembling a feather.

2. Bipinnate Of leaves, twice pinnate

3. Pinnate top: pinnate leaf bottom: Bipinnate leaf pin·nate (pĭn′āt′) adj

4. The genus Prionospio Malmgren 1867 includes species with smooth, non-pinnate and pinnate Branchiae arranged in various combinations

5. Bipinnate is a derived term of pinnate

6. Are the compound leaves palmate, pinnate, or Bipinnate? Palmate

7. Pinna Primary division of a pinnate or Bipinnate leaf.

8. Abruptiones placentarum abruptions abruptly abruptly-pinnate: abruptly-pinnate leaf abruptness abruptnesses abrupts abs abs-absalonism absalonisms abscess abscess root: Literary usage of Abruption

9. Feather fronds also come in two varieties: pinnate and Bipinnate

10. Cosmos flowers are also known for their pinnate and Bipinnate feathery-style leaves.

11. Abruptiones placentarum abruptions abruptly abruptly-pinnate (current term) abruptly-pinnate leaf abruptness abruptnesses abrupts: abs abs-absalonism absalonisms abscess abscess root abscess scan abscessed abscessed tooth abscesses

12. As adjectives the difference between bipennate and Bipinnate is that bipennate is (medicineanatomyzoology) of, pertaining to, or having the nature of a muscle, the fibres of which attach to a tendon on two sides (as a feather barbed on both sides) while Bipinnate is (botanyof a leaf) doubly pinnate; pinnate and having leaflets that are themselves pinnate.

13. A leaf having pinnate leaflets; as ferns Familiarity information: Bipinnate LEAF used as a noun is very rare.

14. Celandine is a member of the poppy family with pinnate leaves and small, yellow, four-petaled flowers

15. Bipinnate [bī′pin‚āt] (botany) Pertaining to a leaf that is pinnate for both its primary and secondary divisions.

16. In these plants the laminae or blades of the leaves are pinnate or Bipinnate and are produced at the FIG.

17. Bipinnate: 1 adj of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns) Synonyms: compound composed of more than one part

18. Of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns) Familiarity information: Bipinnate used as an adjective is very rare.

19. Bipinnate [ bī-pĭn ′āt′ ] Relating to compound leaves that grow opposite each other on a larger stem; twice-compound or twice-pinnate

20. Ash definition is - any of a genus (Fraxinus) of trees of the olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark, and gray branchlets

21. Avens Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Geum in the rose family, having often pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers with many pistils.

22. It is distinguished by its phonology, whitish twigs and paired thorns, blue green Bipinnate leaves lacking a petiolar gland, but with glands between nearly all its 2-12 pinnate pairs.

23. Platax Pinnatus, also known as the Pinnate Batfish, Dusky Batfish, Shaded Batfish, or Red-Faced Batfish, is a fish from the western Pacific that occasionally is kept in marine aquariums

24. Fronds Coriaceous, pale, simply pinnate, or bipinnate below; the divisions broadly linear or oblong, or the sterile sometimes oval, chiefly entire, somewhat heart-shaped, or else truncate at the stalked base

25. Albizzia definition is - a large genus of unarmed trees (family Leguminosae) found in warm regions of the Old World and having twice-pinnate leaves, solitary or panicled globelike clusters of …

26. Albizzia definition, any of several trees and shrubs belonging to the genus Albizia, of the legume family, native to warm regions of the Old World, having feathery pinnate leaves, densely clustered flowers, and flat pods

27. The leaves are pinnate, with 4-6 pairs of leaflets, the terminal leaflet absent; each leaflet is 10–15 cm long abruptly rounded toward the apex but often with an acuminate tip.

28. Abreption Abreuvoir Abricock Abridge abridged abridgement Abridger Abridgment Abroach Abroad abrocome Abrogable Abrogate Abrogation Abrogative Abrogator Abrood Abrook Abrupt Abruption Abruptly Abruptly pinnate Abruptness Abruzzi abs Abscess Abscession Abscind Abscision Absciss Abscissa Abscission Abscond Abscondence Absconder abscondment

29. Ailanthus definition is - any of a small Asian genus (Ailanthus of the family Simaroubaceae, the Ailanthus family) of chiefly tropical trees and shrubs with bitter bark, pinnate leaves, and terminal panicles of ill-scented greenish flowers; especially : tree of heaven.

30. Leaves very variable in size, pinnate, usually with 5-8 pairs of lateral leaflets and a terminal one, stalked with bases of petiole Auricled; leaflets usually subrounded in lower leaves and ovate-oblong in upper leaves, lobulate, serrate to almost entire, 5-25 mm long, 3-10 mm broad.

31. Rhizomes short and erect or ascending; lamina dull or lustrous adaxially; laminar segments arranged Catadromously except secondary segments of basalmost pair of pinnae of bipinnate fronds; if laminar segments arranged anadromously then lamina (2 or)3- or 4-pinnate and ultimate pinnules of lamina asymmetrical at base (Dryopteris sect

32. Avens: 1 n any of various perennials of the genus Geum having usually pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers Types: show 7 types hide 7 types Geum alleppicum strictum , Geum strictum , yellow Avens erect subshrub with deep yellow flowers; Europe and Asia and North America Geum canadense , bennet , white Avens North American

33. Catechu: 1 n East Indian spiny tree having twice-pinnate leaves and yellow flowers followed by flat pods; source of black Catechu Synonyms: Acacia Catechu , Jerusalem thorn Type of: acacia any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia n extract of the heartwood of Acacia Catechu used for dyeing and tanning and preserving fishnets

34. Whether the leaf is simple (Lycopus, Glechoma) or compound (Fraxinus), pinnate (Lycopus, Fraxinus) or palmate (Glechoma) in its nervation or leaflet arrangement, and acropetal (Fraxinus) or basipetal (Lycopus, Glechoma) in its development, the organogenetic zone of its primordium is characterised by a continuum of meristematic activity, a submarginal optimum mitotic density, a mitotic polarity (the main cause of lobation) and a very important individual variability.

35. The leaf blade is Coriaceous (has a firm, leathery texture) the leaf blade is herbaceous (has a leafy texture) Leaf blade translucent dots there are no translucent dots on the leaf blade Leaf blade vein pattern the main veins of the leaf blade are pinnate (the secondary veins branch off at intervals from the main central vein) and non-arcuate