human society in English

human beings living together as a group

Use "human society" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "human society" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "human society", or refer to the context using the word "human society" in the English Dictionary.


2. Human society seems to be disintegrating.

3. Peter uses the term “earth” in a figurative sense, referring to human society —in this case wicked human society.

4. Unjust acts disturb the stability of human society.

5. The entire human society of God-ignoring people is annihilated.

6. 11 The family is the basic unit of human society.

7. Terrorism is an aberrant act that exists in every human society.

8. Greed and selfishness seem to be dominating forces in human society.

9. Changes in human society can also contribute to insect-borne disease.

10. It is human society progress inside drive force and incorporeal place.

11. Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society.

12. Criminals and crime figures remind us of the darker side of human society

13. So human society should develop Brahminical culture on the basis of protecting cows

14. How, then, do you view the world of unrighteous human society alienated from God?

15. The Bible frequently uses the expression “earth” in a figurative sense, meaning human society.

16. (John 15:19) The term “world” here refers to human society alienated from God.

17. These are the very foundations on which human society rests —law, order, and justice.

18. “The elements” that make up today’s decadent human society will be “dissolved,” or destroyed.

19. Over the centuries, such rulership has plunged human society into one calamity after another.

20. IT IS claimed that human society feels only as good as its families feel.

21. Early in human society, our society is divided into matrilineal and patrilineal clan clan.

22. Ancient Egypt’s being overrun with frogs pictures the filthy and immoral condition of human society

23. Achieving such a goal would require nothing less than a fundamental change in human society.

24. Civilization definition: A Civilization is a human society with its own social organization and culture

25. In that new world, human society will be united in worship of the true God.

26. "Any Colour You Like" concerns the lack of choice one has in a human society.

27. Socialist economy system is human society progress up to now most socioeconomic system of progress.

28. 5 Satan’s world—his organized human society—is made up of various closely connected parts.

29. Characteristic of something/somebody The need to communicate is a key Characteristic of human society

30. The subject of the talk will be “True Religion Meets the Needs of Human Society.”

31. The Encyclopedia Americana mentions some aspects of human society that historically have led to war.

32. 13 Well, you live in among the people who make up today’s organized human society.

33. Following trend of human civilization evolution, human right has become universal concept in human society.

34. With intensifying industrialisation, human society started to stress the natural climatic cycles with increased greenhouse gas emissions.

35. Everything about human society alienated from God is polluted in some way, tainted with sin and imperfection.

36. (Revelation 9:3-19) It provides the death stroke in ousting a ruinous human society and its rulers.

37. So with all the achievements of science, is the human society better off physically, mentally, spiritually and morally?

38. (Revelation 12:12) Nothing else can satisfactorily account for the chaos into which human society has been thrust.

39. The planet's resources, especially renewable resources like soil, water, air and timber, are under severe pressure from human society.

40. Intrinsical safety of products is the important guarantee of improving labour conditions and raising safety standards of human society.

41. 1983, David Michael Thomas, Christian Marriage: A Journey Together, page 78: No known human society exists without Celebrational rituals

42. Marriage and family life, long considered the basic structures of human society, are being affected drastically. —Genesis 3:5.

43. This conclusion is based on studies of human society, both modern and tribal, and on comparisons with apes and birds.

44. This concept views human society as being equipped with an internal gyroscope which establishes a natural ordering mechanism in society.

45. 11 The problem called by Mead the central issue of every human society arose: what to do with the males.

46. The complexities of human society and inborn selfishness indicate that even if change is achieved, problems will not be solved.

47. A Civilization is a complex human society, usually made up of different cities, with certain characteristics of cultural and technological development

48. In 1918-19, they were in an alienated position before human society, and their religious enemies thought they could destroy them.

49. Though millions exert themselves in prayer, human society is increasingly plagued with problems of poverty, addiction, broken families, crime, and war.

50. Of course, some might argue that much of this relativism represents open-mindedness and therefore has a positive impact on human society.