phloem in English

the vascular tissue in plants that conducts sugars and other metabolic products downward from the leaves.
The conducting tissues within the vascular bundles are the xylem and phloem .

Use "phloem" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "phloem" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "phloem", or refer to the context using the word "phloem" in the English Dictionary.

1. Amphiphloic siphonostele Ø Phloem is present on both sides of the xylem (external and internal phloem)

2. Two-photon fluorescence microscope images indicate a xylem-to-phloem and Acropetal phloem translocation of phenanthrene in castor bean stem

3. Cambium is a layer of undifferentiated cells between a plant's phloem and xylem that produces secondary phloem and xylem as the plant grows

4. Aphids need nitrogen, but phloem juices contain mostly sugars

5. Phloem involves the Acropetal translocation of phenanthrene in wheat seedlings.

6. Equisetum• Amphiphloic – Outer and inner rings of Phloem, Xylem central

7. There were phloem fiber bundle of stem outside vascular bundles.

8. Bryophytes lack xylem and phloem, the conductive tissues of vascular plants (=tracheophytes)

9. Primary xylem and phloem within these strands appear to differentiate acropetally.

10. The deduced amino acid sequence of BPLP had 51% identity with a Cucurbitaceous phloem lectin (phloem protein 2, PP2), and showed binding specificity to oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine

11. In minor veins and vein endings, sieve tube members become increasingly more slender than associated phloem cells, and xylem frequently changes its position, becoming parallel with, or even abaxial to, the phloem.

12. In vascular plants, the xylem and phloem serve to translocate such substances.

13. To get adequate nutrition, Aphids must consume an enormous quantity of phloem liquids

14. A pteridophyte is a vascular plant (with xylem and phloem) that disperses spores.

15. (ii) Amphiphloic siphonostele: Phloem is present on both the sides of the xylem (Fig

16. Sugars are actively accumulated in the phloem and move passively to sinks along a concentration gradient.

17. Many fern stems have phloem tissue on both sides of the xylem in cross-section.

18. But the speed of transmission is high for the transport of a chemical signal in the phloem.

19. Sugar transport in phloem depends on sugar transporters, and sugar transporters have dual functions, i.

20. A Canker is an infectious disease of the phloem and cambium on stems, branches or twigs of trees

21. The main constituents of the axial system are sieve cells, phloem parenchyma cells, crystalliferous cells and radial plates.

22. Amphiphloic meaning (botany) Of stems in which the phloem is both external and internal to the xylem.

23. Amphiphloic A vascular bundle morphology in which the phloem occurs as concentric cylinders outside and inside the xylem

24. In the stems of some Asterales dicots, there may be phloem located inwardly from the xylem as well.

25. Amphiphloic (not comparable) (botany) Of stems in which the phloem is both external and internal to the xylem.

26. Both solenostele and dictyostele arrangements are Amphiphloic, which means their phloem surrounds the xylem in both external and internal sections

27. The origin of the midvein calli developed mainly from the vascular cylinder, the palisade tissues and the phloem parenchyma cells.

28. Flooded roots developed aerenchyma tissue within the stele between the xylem poles, extending from the phloem outward to the pericycle.

29. The vascular cambium forms between the xylem and phloem in the vascular bundles and connects to form a continuous cylinder.

30. Again, phloem transport seemed to be involved and the movement of 32P could be more readily induced in an acropetal direction.

31. Cambium definition, a layer of delicate meristematic tissue between the inner bark or phloem and the wood or xylem, which produces new phloem on the outside and new xylem on the inside in stems, roots, etc., originating all secondary growth in plants and forming the annual rings of wood

32. Bast definition: fibrous material obtained from the phloem of jute , hemp , flax , lime , etc, used for Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

33. It includes Ectophloic siphonostele, Amphiphloic ­siphonostele, Solenostele, (i) Ectophloic siphonostele: The phloem is restricted only on the external side of the xylem

34. In older trees, Bark is usually divided into inner Bark, consisting of living phloem, and outer Bark, consisting of the periderm (the phelloderm, cork …

35. Our results showed that local cytokinin signaling in secondary phloem regulates cambial activity non-cell-Autonomously, and coordinately with its local signaling in cambium.

36. Therefore, phloem is involved in the Acropetal translocation of phenanthrene in wheat seedlings, especially when the xylem is not mature enough in scattered vascular bundle plants.

37. The mechanism may be broken down into three stages: photoperiod-regulated initiation, signal translocation via the phloem, and induction of flowering at the shoot apical meristem.

38. The area of duct is bigger than that of phloem in flag leaf and leaf sheath , but smaller in the first internode, primary branch and secondary branch.

39. Actinostele definition is - a vascular core (as in most roots and some stems) having the xylem and phloem in alternating or radial groups within a pericycle.

40. Cambium definition is - a thin formative layer between the xylem and phloem of most vascular plants that gives rise to new cells and is responsible for secondary growth.

41. Albuminous cells are analogous to the companion cells of an-giosperm phloem but unlike companion cells they do not usually arise from the same mother cell as the sieve element

42. Sieve area pores of mature sieve elements are lined with the thicker callose and plugged with the electron-opaque P-protein, which may be the response to wounding on the phloem in preparing samples.

43. A patch of phloem and cambium is killed, the underlying wood dies as a result, and the killing often progresses over time. Cankers are often sunken if they grow slowly because the shoot continues to …

44. The opposite of acropetal ‘Expression of the DXR gene in adaxial phloem parenchyma cells was more pronounced in the young revoluted base of the leaves with a Basipetal gradient decreasing toward the tips of older leaves.’

45. It causes secondary growth.The two most important cambia are the vascular (or fascicular) Cambium and the cork Cambium.The vascular Cambium occurs in the stem and root; it divides to produce secondary xylem and secondary phloem (new food

46. The Cambium is a zone especially adapted to supply cells that are already of nearly the requisite length for fulfilling the functional demands— vertical transport and mechanical strength and flexibility—of the secondary xylem and phloem tissues.

47. The occurrence of Annulate lamellae (AL) in differentiating phloem of Sonchus oleraceus (Compositae) singly infected with sowthistle yellow vein virus (SYVV) and doubly infected with a combination of SYVV and beet yellow stunt virus is documented by electron microscopy.

48. Bark is usually divided into inner Bark, consisting of phloem (tissue that distributes a watery mixture of sugars and growth hormones made in the leaves and buds), and outer Bark, consisting of layers of dead cells from the inner Bark

49. Cambium, in plants, layer of actively dividing cells between xylem (wood) and phloem (bast) tissues that is responsible for the secondary growth of stems and roots (secondary growth occurs after the first season and results in increase in thickness)

50. ‘The four groupings are: seed-hair fibers, leaf fibers, Bast fibers, and miscellaneous fibers.’ ‘There was a clear deficiency of Bast fibre along the length of the mutant stem.’ ‘Bast fibers come from the phloem tissues of dicotyledonous plants.’