phonation in English

the production or utterance of speech sounds.
The tongue is essential for speech / phonation , tasting, chewing, swallowing, suckling, and licking, but to do all of this it evolved to lie partially in the pharynx, where in humans it is at best a nuisance for breathing.

Use "phonation" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "phonation" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "phonation", or refer to the context using the word "phonation" in the English Dictionary.

1. Emphasis is to reduce hard glottal attacks using softer, Breathier phonation by getting air stream started before phonation

2. The dysphonic voice can be hoarse or excessively breathy, harsh, or rough, but some kind of phonation is still possible in contrast with the more severe Aphonia where phonation is impossible.

3. Breathier phonation pulses, with similar contacting and decontacting durations, show a more symmetrical shape

4. Breathy Voice can be thought of as a combination of two modes: normal voiced phonation and also whisper

5. Based on his personnel advice, we chose the 30-fold dosage, which was effective for 3 months, resulting in improvements to voice quality (both psychoacoustic rating and acoustic measures), voice “quantity” (voice range profiles), aerodynamics (maximum phonation time, phonation quotient), and voice handicap.

6. In linguistics, Creaky voice (sometimes called laryngealisation, pulse phonation, vocal fry, or glottal fry) is a special kind of phonation in which the arytenoid cartilages in the larynx are drawn together; as a result, the vocal folds are compressed rather tightly, becoming relatively slack and compact

7. A Breathy-voiced phonation ɦ (not actually a fricative, as a literal reading of the IPA chart would suggest) can sometimes be

8. A Consonant chart lists all of the Consonant sounds for a given language while neatly organizing them by place of articulation, manner of articulation and phonation

9. Traces the path of the speech production system through to the point where simple vocal sounds are produced, covering the nervous system, and muscles, respiration, and phonation Introduces more complex anatomical concepts of Articulatory

10. Breathy voice (also called murmured voice, soughing, or susurration) is a phonation in which the vocal cords vibrate, as they do in normal (modal) voicing, but are held further apart, so that a larger volume of air escapes between them

11. Adjustment groups admit children with pronunciation and phonation disorders (voice disorders, disorders of speech rhythm and tempo, dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, anarthria); systemic speech disorder (alalia, aphasia); secondary speech disorders (due to a mild hearing impairment, psychological problems without mental retardation) or mixed specific development problems.

12. Adjustment groups admit children with pronunciation and phonation disorders (voice disorders, disorders of speech rhythm and tempo, dyslalia, rhinolalia, dysarthria, anarthria); systemic speech disorder (alalia, aphasia); secondary speech disorders (due to a mild hearing impairment, psychological problems without mental retardation) or mixed specific development problems