perturbations in English

anxiety; mental uneasiness.
she sensed her friend's perturbation
a deviation of a system, moving object, or process from its regular or normal state of path, caused by an outside influence.
some minor perturbation in his house's cash flow

Use "perturbations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "perturbations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "perturbations", or refer to the context using the word "perturbations" in the English Dictionary.

1. They are continuously changing due to solar and planetary perturbations.

2. Hygiea is used by the Minor Planet Center to calculate perturbations.

3. The validity of the amplification factor for small perturbations was also examined.

4. Small perturbations of our center of gravity are Counteracted by our ankle strategy.

5. Any area not subject to major acoustic perturbations may be used as a test site.

6. Perturbations of the force field will cause changes, or variations, of the displacement field.

7. Above absolute zero, thermal motions will introduce random perturbations to the chromophores local environment.

8. Similarly, major trends could be lost because of focusing on minor perturbations, or vice versa.

9. Boron Chemistry offers many systems in which slight variations lead to drastic geometrical and electronic perturbations

10. 19 Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune in 18

11. Although the atmosphere was stable overall, it was sensitive to perturbations which caused it to vacillate easily.

12. Extensive, massive deletion of this kind would necessarily cause major perturbations to cellular function and energetic equilibrium.

13. Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune in 18

14. Anharmonic reflects the fact that the perturbations are oscillations of the system are not exactly harmonic

15. Gravitational perturbations by Venus could have eventually put it onto a collision course with the Earth.

16. Experiments with controlled acoustic perturbations and turbulence complemented the numerical work and were used to validate results.

17. The optical fiber (16) has perturbations (17) in the effective index of a mode guided by the same.

18. Antonyms for Aplombs include discomposures, agitations, diffidences, gauchenesses, insecurities, perturbations, self-distrust, self-doubts, awkwardnesses and chagrins

19. Despite channel (or carrier) specificity, it appears that all three ionic permeabilities are altered during the perturbations.

20. Project work has involved experiments to investigate the receptivity of 3D boundary layer flows to external vortical perturbations.

21. A modular, user-friendly, software-interface is also included to describe the velocity, amplitude and shape parameters of perturbations.

22. Psyche is massive enough that its gravitational perturbations on other asteroids can be observed, which enables a mass measurement.

23. Like thermostats, they constantly adjust such things as neurotransmitter release and receptor sensitivity to compensate for perturbations from the environment.

24. These Corruptions are not meant to be used as training data augmentation but rather to test the networks against unseen perturbations

25. An Adversarial example is an instance with small, intentional feature perturbations that cause a machine learning model to make a false prediction

26. The idea of this approach is that transition occurs when the amplitude of the perturbations has been amplified by a factor equal to eN.

27. The transient response of the system due to perturbations by wire boom extension/retraction is derived analytically by means of the Laplace transform method.

28. 26 Simulated annealing uses random perturbations to shake the parameter values out of a local optimum so that globally optimal values may be found.

29. Polyacetylene (PA) is a symmetric chain of conjugated macromolecule, whose chain symmetry can, however, be broken by external and internal perturbations, generating helically chiral polymers.

30. These negative carbon isotope excursions have been variably interpreted to record primary seawater values and massive carbon cycle perturbations, diagenetic alteration, or porewater Authigenic carbonate formation.

31. These rescued embryos contained full tripartite Archenterons and normal skeletons, indicating that the perturbations caused by FzTM1 overexpression resulted specifically from the loss of Fz5/8 signaling

32. Belemnite-size distribution is best correlated with fluctuations in a palaeotemperature proxy (stable oxygen isotopes); however, potential indirect effects of volcanism and carbon cycle perturbations may also play a role

33. 1015 (1 quadrillion) years Over time, the orbits of planets will decay due to gravitational radiation, or planets will be ejected from their local systems by gravitational perturbations caused by encounters with another stellar remnant.

34. Chondrites are the most abundant meteorite class, constituting more than 85 percent of meteorite falls. Like most meteorites, Chondrites originated in the asteroid belt where collisions and gravitational perturbations put them into Earth-crossing orbits

35. Their antiparallel ordering of magnetic moments produces zero net magnetization, so they produce no stray fields and are insensitive to external magnetic field perturbations. Antiferromagnetic domain walls have been shown theoretically to approach relativistic speeds.

36. ‘The Conformation of the DNA molecule in solution is fluctuating constantly due to thermal perturbations.’ ‘Molecular mechanics and dynamics use an empirical energy function known as a force field to model the Conformation of a molecule.’

37. Avalanching processes—where a cascade of events is triggered by series of small perturbations—are found in a wide range of phenomena beyond snow slides, including the popping of champagne bubbles, nuclear explosions, lasing, neuronal networking, and even financial crises

38. One component that is commonly neglected when assessing the environmental impacts of climate-smart agriculture is the Biophysical impacts, where changes in ecosystem fluxes and storage of moisture and energy lead to perturbations in local climate and water availability.

39. 'Our studies concentrate on analysing the role of insulin signalling and glucose transport and the regulation of actin cytoskeleton in podocytes, thereby aiming to define the mechanisms leading to perturbations in the kidney ultrafiltration function and development of albuminuria,' she explained.

40. (adjective) The prize was again awarded to Lagrange; and he earned the same distinction with essays on the problem of three bodies in 1772, on the secular equation of the moon in 1774, and in 1778 on the theory of Cometary perturbations.

41. Note that Contrarily to the newer Yocto-3D-V2, this product CANNOT be calibrated to compensate for magnetic interferences.: Contrairement au nouveau Yocto-3D-V2, ce produit NE PEUT PAS être calibré pour compenser les perturbations magnétiques.: Especially, Contrarily to some speculations, the governments were generally less informed than the associations.

42. Now, when they tried this on an iPhone 3GS, this is a graph of the perturbations that were created by the typing, and you can see that it's very difficult to tell when somebody was typing or what they were typing, but the iPhone 4 greatly improved the accelerometer, and so the same measurement produced this graph.

43. Scully a découvert une inscription dans la Caverne.: There was something in the cave that Scully fell into, an inscription.: Des perturbations semblent provenir de cette Caverne.: There seems to be some disturbance coming from that cave.: Périodiquement, le pétrole est déplacé de la Caverne vers la surface.: Periodically, oil is displaced from the cavern to the surface.

44. The key to managing the disruptions and Assuaging people's fears is governance.: La clé pour gérer les perturbations et apaiser les craintes des gens est la gouvernance.: How far such assurances will go in Assuaging concerns related to cloud computing service, especially in a government setting, remains unclear.: Dans quelle mesure ces assurances va aller à apaiser les inquiétudes liées