pervaded in English

(especially of a smell) spread through and be perceived in every part of.
a smell of stale cabbage pervaded the air
synonyms:permeatespread throughfillsuffusebe diffused throughimbuepenetratefilter throughpercolate throughinfuseperfuseflow throughchargesteepsaturateimpregnateinform

Use "pervaded" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pervaded" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pervaded", or refer to the context using the word "pervaded" in the English Dictionary.

1. 3 Weariness pervaded his whole body.

2. A smell of decay pervaded the air.

3. A spirit of hopelessness pervaded the country.

4. An altogether lighter atmosphere pervaded the dairy.

5. A retrospective influence pervaded the whole performance.

6. A sibilant murmuring briefly pervaded the room.

7. A strong sense of patriotism pervaded his writings.

8. Yes, a spirit of ungodliness pervaded human affairs.

9. The smell of baked apples pervaded the house.

10. The entire house was pervaded by a sour smell.

11. The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory.

12. 14 The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory.

13. The entire Ashram is pervaded by Master’s presence and grace.

14. Her work is pervaded by nostalgia for a past age.

15. State historian and native soil Charles Morrissey has observed that a sadness has always pervaded Vermont.

16. He no longer had to consciously listen out for the psychic interference that pervaded the island.

17. Ableism (discrimination against disabled people) is unfortunately so prevalent in society that it has pervaded everyday language

18. Hugh Dodds, then Consul in Harar, reported that the smell of corpses pervaded the town for days.

19. No footmarks disturbed the dust, cobwebs hung like festoons and a strange musty smell pervaded the atmosphere.

20. Biographers have noted that "a strong sense of the unity of God and nature pervaded Faraday's life and work."

21. “Rather it adds a feeling of togetherness, serious, yet lighthearted, that has pervaded the scene of swarming humanity at the Brown County Veterans’ Memorial arena.”

22. A distinctive but intangible quality that seems to surround a person or thing; an atmosphere: An Aura of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters.

23. When asked to describe the significance of baskets in pre-Contact California, Pomo Basketry and ethnobotany expert Sherrie Smith Ferri (Dry Creek Pomo) succinctly stated: “baskets pervaded just life.

24. Liu infuses Taoist's "fool" and the aesthetics of the visional peace into his landscape travel notes which makes his literature pervaded with fancy, reason and sorrow.

25. Clareted blenched accosted prickled brocaded airfield unpitied undipped spavined hastened fleeched duckweed unhaired speckled uproused refunded arachnid downward truanted blinkard pargeted reheeled unforbid overloud washered yammered upstared pervaded faggoted halliard mellowed

26. “I pondered many things in my heart concerning the situation of the world of mankind—the contentions and divisions, the wickedness and abominations, and the darkness which pervaded the minds of mankind.

27. “Rather it adds a feeling of togetherness, serious, yet lighthearted, that has pervaded the scene of swarming humanity at the Brown County Veterans’ Memorial arena.” —Green Bay Press-Gazette, July 10, 1976.

28. It was his continuous and intense presence, which produced a sense of direct participation in all of us; it created that unique atmosphere of enthusiasm and challenge that pervaded the place throughout its time.

29. The spirit of brashness, Cocksureness, energy and chauvinism that pervaded the Cohan musicals were unmistakably American.” Types All American musical theater was comedy until Hammerstein and Kern wrote a musical play, Show Boat, which had much more serious themes.

30. A very chill and vault-like air pervaded the stairs and gallery, suggesting Cheerless ideas of space and solitude; and I was glad, when finally ushered into my chamber, to find it of small dimensions, and furnished in ordinary, modern style.

31. What caused credit to freeze as the TED spread (which should be about 50) went up to nearly 300 last fall, and is still hovering near 100, is the leveraged speculation that pervaded every form of financial transaction — ALL of it Abstracted from the actual production of stuff … like houses, which have a value in themselves.