penalised in English

subject to some form of punishment.
you'll be penalized if you tap the account before age 59
synonyms:punishdisciplineinflict a penalty on

Use "penalised" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "penalised" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "penalised", or refer to the context using the word "penalised" in the English Dictionary.

1. In addition, the practices penalised did not result in an actual increase in the sales prices.

2. Hugger-mugger penalised fragment articulated estimable spiritually proleptical Aphorising Stig fluster pointlessly shadeless griper

3. Synonyms for Castigated include punished, chastened, dismissed, imprisoned, penalised, penalized, birched, chastised, confined and corrected

4. The new tax and the drop in house values make homeowners feel doubly penalised.

5. Synonyms for Birched include punished, chastened, dismissed, imprisoned, penalised, penalized, castigated, chastised, confined and corrected

6. Many jurisdictions recommend an initial period of soft enforcement, during which violators are cautioned but not penalised.

7. Although many countries have already Criminalised marital rape; India is one of 36 such countries where it is not yet penalised

8. The Court noted that the first applicant had been penalised in the division of the assets of the estate on account of her status as an adulterine child.

9. They require procedures allowing them to swiftly adapt to market demands, however, they are in fact penalised by the length and complexity of the current amendment procedure, the effect of which impedes their ability to react quickly to the market.

10. Where an undertaking has acted in breach of Article 82 EC, it cannot escape being penalised altogether on the ground that other traders have not been fined when those traders’ circumstances are not even the subject of proceedings before the Courts.

11. In this case, however, the discrimination must be considered from another angle: the explanation given by the national court of the legislation at issue shows that the possession of drugs for personal use is penalised differently depending on whether the offender is a Greek national or a foreigner.