his right hand in English

hand on his right side; person who is most helpful to him

Use "his right hand" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "his right hand" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "his right hand", or refer to the context using the word "his right hand" in the English Dictionary.

1. They all call her his right hand.

2. His right hand rested on his ceremonial sword.

3. 27 He held the pistol in his right hand.

4. You will serve at his right hand for eternity.

5. Ańgaja (Ingada sonja) holding a stupika in his right hand.

6. Dunne has a dislocated ring finger on his right hand.

7. The back of his right hand had a layer of Crust, …

8. Lit., “a man closed (impeded) of his right hand,” M; LXX, “ambidextrous.”

9. The fighter feinted with his right hand and struck with his left.

10. The cruel blade slid smoothly from its sheath into his right hand.

11. He found success hard to come by after losing his right-hand man.

12. After a moment his right hand moved across the cloth, smoothing it flat.

13. 8 Jehovah has sworn an oath with his right hand, with his strong arm:

14. 24 The boxer feinted with his right hand and struck with his left hand.

15. Without warning his right hand swiped in retaliation at her mouth, splitting her lip.

16. 15 He found success hard to come by after losing his right-hand man.

17. You go see Charlie, he still can't pick up his right hand for his hat.

18. Tom is ambidextrous and can use his right hand equally as well as his left.

19. The thugs broke two ribs, a bone in his right hand, and his left shoulder.

20. Then Sperry asked this patient to use his right hand ( controlled by the left hemisphere ) .

21. He directs them by means of anointed overseers, whom he holds symbolically “in his right hand.”

22. When our swords are locked, he uses... a knife with his right hand to kill us

23. 27 He stood with the gun in his right hand and his left hand steadying his aim.

24. He'd run his right hand up the back of my neck into my hair and pull it.

25. 4 He has bent* his bow like an enemy; his right hand is poised as an adversary;+

26. With the same expressions, curled, wiggling eyebrow, and gestures, the first two fingers of his right hand pointing.

27. Dinh Van Hai was hospitalized with two broken ribs, and injuries to his right hand and left shoulder.

28. * The Lord has promised his Saints a crown of glory at his right hand, D&C 104:7.

29. The father leaned against the door, his right hand stuck between two buttons of his buttoned- up uniform.

30. Ted signaled with his right hand that he was about to turn on to a street marked Myrtle.

31. “These are the things that he says who holds the seven stars in his right hand.” —REVELATION 2:1.

32. 4 With the same expressions, curled, wiggling eyebrow, and gestures, the first two fingers of his right hand pointing.

33. Synonyms: bleeding, bloodied, gory, sanguinolent All that remained of his right hand after the accident was a Bloody stump

34. Tired, drawn and bruised that he was, even the hard-earned pint by his right hand was scarcely touched.

35. The carrying no longer caused a strain, and his right hand could hold the pen unencumbered by other duties.

36. He insisted there was some-thing about his right hand-the hand that delivered the knockout punch-that was strange.

37. Pausing at the door he turned once more and extended the middle finger of his right hand towards the bed.

38. He will take this portion in his right hand when leading litanies or drawing attention to a particular liturgical action.

39. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he made a grab with his right hand and ripped the knife from its sheath.

40. Pierre Bonny, once the most famous police officer in France before being disgraced and jailed for corruption, became his right-hand man.

41. 25 Pierre Bonny, once the most famous police officer in France before being disgraced and jailed for corruption, became his right-hand man.

42. *+ 31 God exalted this one as Chief Agent+ and Savior+ to his right hand,+ to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.

43. While movement is barely detectable, the acupuncturist is holding the needle in his left hand and adjusting the depth of needle insertion with his right hand.

44. Then the Priest makes the sign of the cross with his right hand from forehead to breast, saying: Indulgentiam, + Absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus

45. 24 As street protests flared for a fifth day, Mr. Mubarak fired his cabinet and appointed Omar Suleiman, his right-hand man and the country's intelligence chief, as vice president. Mr.

46. 23 So neither I nor my brothers, my attendants,+ and the guards who followed me ever took off our garments, and each of us kept his weapon in his right hand.

47. The stool hit the Cupbearer on his right hand and knocked him down: the man fell with a cry flat on his back, and his wine-jug fell ringing to the ground

48. He left the room to arm the first bomb with specially adapted pliers, a task made difficult because he had lost his right hand and had only three fingers on his left.

49. " Accurately," Miss Halcombe continued, "even to the scar on his right hand, which is the scar of a wound that he received years since when he was travelling in Italy

50. Mounds (7 Occurrences) Ezekiel 21:22 In his right hand was the divination for Jerusalem, to set Battering rams, to open the mouth in the slaughter, to lift up the voice with shouting