pelted in English

attack (someone) by repeatedly hurling things at them.
two little boys pelted him with rotten apples

Use "pelted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pelted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pelted", or refer to the context using the word "pelted" in the English Dictionary.

1. We were pelted with rotten tomatoes.

2. The crowd pelted bad eggs at the speaker.

3. 4 They pelted him with ridicule and vilification.

4. The crowed pelted stones at the speaker.

5. They first pelted the statue with stones; then smothered its face with coal tar.

6. After that, everybody pelted snowballs at anybody who was riding the sled.

7. The hecklers pelted the discombobulated speaker with anything that came to hand.

8. Jehovah ‘brought ostracism’ on Achan, and he and his family were pelted with stones.

9. Walkers are getting Bonked on the head, and cars are getting pelted by the falling nuts.

10. Synonyms for Bucketed include poured, pelted, beat, beaten, lashed, sheeted, streamed, teemed, torrented and tipped

11. Synonyms for Basted include bashed, battered, beat, beaten, clubbed, drubbed, lamBasted, lashed, mauled and pelted

12. The boys filled their pockets with stones and pelted fast at one another's pate.

13. I watched as the sky curdled and darkened and the rain pelted the road with silvery stones.

14. 12 Cool rains pelted our riverboat and everyone scrambled to unspool plastic tarps over the boat's sides.

15. Occasionally, a garden hose would be turned on me, or stones would be pelted at the van.

16. At least 000 people pelted security forces with cobblestones during the fourth consecutive night of often bloody fracas.

17. Stoned November 2nd, 2010, In halls and pebbled passage ways the whispers come and go "scandalous", "Adulatress"* each word another stone - pelted at her inadequacy, to just leave her lover alone

18. Sampheng: from ethnic isolation to national integration Menglembu assemblyman Steven Chaw said today he will not be taking any action against the man who pelted his service centre with eggs in an angry rant over the government's

19. Cruelly (26 Occurrences) Matthew 15:22 Here a Canaanitish woman of the district came out and persistently cried out, "Sir, Son of David, pity me; my daughter is Cruelly harassed by a demon." (WEY NAS) Matthew 21:35 but the vine-dressers seized the servants, and one they Cruelly beat, one they killed, one they pelted with stones