his household in English

people that live in his house, his family

Use "his household" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "his household" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "his household", or refer to the context using the word "his household" in the English Dictionary.

1. Cornelius and his household were baptized.

2. Peter preached to Cornelius and his household (See paragraph 5)

3. 29 Anyone who brings trouble* on his household will inherit the wind,+

4. □ How can a man preside over his household in a fine manner?

5. Meanwhile, though, Emperor Wen himself was facing a crisis within his household.

6. She acted loyally to protect her foolish husband and his household from disaster.

7. 5 The account begins with Abraham’s giving instructions to his household manager, evidently Eliezer.

8. Working some 50 years, Noah “constructed an ark for the saving of his household.”

9. (Genesis 11:31, 32) Then his household crossed the Euphrates River and headed south.

10. Castellan is a senior position granted by a lord to a member of his household

11. 2 : one who has undisputed influence or power He was the Autocrat of his household

12. This led to the conversion of the jailer and his household. —Ac 16:25-34.

13. Their father received the command to build an ark and to get his household into it.

14. So, as a good provider, he works hard to supply the physical needs of his household.

15. 3 David stayed with Aʹchish in Gath, he and his men, each man with his household.

16. By living in tents, Abram and his household “publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents”

17. + If people have called the master of the house Be·elʹze·bub,*+ how much more those of his household?

18. With that he mobilized his trained men, 318 servants born in his household, and went in pursuit up to Dan.

19. For example, “Crispus the presiding officer of the synagogue became a believer in the Lord, and so did all his household.”

20. “With that he mustered his trained men, three hundred and eighteen slaves born in his household, and went in pursuit up to Dan.

21. 27 All the men of his household, anyone born in the house and anyone purchased with money from a foreigner, were also circumcised with him.

22. For example, we can hardly imagine Noah telling others in his household: ‘Let me know when the ark is finished so that I may join you.’

23. When the combined armies of four Eastern kings captured Abraham’s nephew Lot, Abraham “mustered his trained men, three hundred and eighteen slaves born in his household.”

24. (Acts 10:30-33) As a result, he and his household were privileged to become the first uncircumcised Gentiles to be accepted into the Christian congregation.

25. (1 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Timothy 3:12, 13) Any serious weakness in managing his household would disqualify a brother for special privileges in the congregation.

26. Seven days before the floodwaters began to fall, Jehovah instructed him to gather the animals into the ark and go into it along with all his household.

27. While David and his men were on their way to attack Nabal and his household, a young man informed Abigail, Nabal’s discreet wife, of what had happened and urged her to act.

28. 5 Then you are to declare before Jehovah your God, ‘My father was a wandering* A·ra·maeʹan,+ and he went down to Egypt+ and resided there as a foreigner, with few in his household.

29. Calling her “daughter,” Boaz advised Ruth to keep coming to his fields to glean and to stay near the young women of his household to avoid being harassed by any of the workmen.

30. 27 Calling her “my daughter,” Boaz advised Ruth to keep coming to his fields to glean and to stay near the young women of his household to avoid being harassed by any of the workmen.

31. Charles was temperate in eating, and particularly so in drinking, for he Abominated drunkenness in anybody, much more in himself and those of his household; but he could not easily abstain from food, and often complained that fasts injured his health

32. Question: "What is the significance of the Valley of Achor in the Bible?" Answer: The Valley of Achor, situated northwest of Jericho on the northern border of the tribe of Judah, is the place where the Israelites executed Achan and his household

33. (1 John 2:1, 2) As noted in the preceding article, Jesus’ sacrifice for spirit-begotten Christians was typified when Israel’s high priest sacrificed a bull as a sin offering for himself, his household, and the tribe of Levi on the annual Day of Atonement.

34. 6 After that Eʹsau took his wives, his sons, his daughters, all the members* of his household, his herd and all his other beasts, and all the wealth he had accumulated+ in the land of Caʹnaan and he went to another land some distance away from Jacob his brother.

35. ‘Serengeti also accommodate immense herds of buffaloes, elephants and giraffes, Bubals, imapalas and Grant gazelles, hippos.’ More example sentences ‘Solomon had daily for the meat of his household thirty measures, named chores, of corn, and sixty of meal, ten fat oxen, and twenty oxen of pasture and an hundred wethers, without venison

36. ‘Serengeti also accommodate immense herds of buffaloes, elephants and giraffes, Bubals, imapalas and Grant gazelles, hippos.’ More example sentences ‘Solomon had daily for the meat of his household thirty measures, named chores, of corn, and sixty of meal, ten fat oxen, and twenty oxen of pasture and an hundred wethers, without venison

37. God commanded Abraham to use circumcision, as a sign of his covenant; and in obedience to this order, the patriarch, at ninety-nine years of age, was Circumcised, as also his son Ishmael, and all the male of his household, Genesis 17:10-12.God repeated the precept to Moses, and ordered that all who intended to

38. (c) Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations the members of the family of a diplomatic agent forming part of his household shall enjoy the privileges and immunities enumerated in the relevant provisions and clauses, inclusive of personal inviolability of a diplomatic agent, absolute immunity from criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state etc. as set out in the Convention.

39. ‘Players have brooms, known as Besoms, to sweep the ice clear of snow or debris so that nothing slows the passage of the stones.’ More example sentences ‘One Dorset broom maker was even making a special version of his household besom broom for the younger visitors - a Nimbus 2000, guaranteed to attract all Harry Potter fans!’