patrolled in English

keep watch over (an area) by regularly walking or traveling around or through it.
the garrison had to patrol the streets to maintain order
synonyms:keep guard (on)guardkeep watch (on)policemake the rounds (of)stand guard (over)keep a vigil (on)defendsafeguard

Use "patrolled" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "patrolled" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "patrolled", or refer to the context using the word "patrolled" in the English Dictionary.

1. Guards patrolled the perimeter fence.

2. It's heavily patrolled with Tonga's soldiers.

3. Policemen once patrolled the streets Ahorseback

4. 24 Riot police patrolled the hotel.

5. Context example: policeman patrolled the streets Ahorseback

6. Guards patrolled the perimeter of the airfield.

7. The frontier is patrolled by border guards.

8. Troops patrolled the border day and night.

9. The Bailiwick was quiet as the bailiff patrolled

10. Borders (fines) were marked, and the frontiers (limites) patrolled.

11. At Arbeia, Iraqi Bargemen from the Tigris patrolled the Tyne

12. The Bikeway is patrolled by MetroParks Police and Bikeway Volunteers

13. She patrolled on the west coast of South America until December.

14. Lanterloo ravellings untraversable bugger misopaedia blood-dyed shapeup Allegorister well-patrolled

15. 21 The fence enclosing the prison compound is constantly patrolled by armed guards.

16. Even with the SCP, sharks do range within sight of the patrolled beaches.

17. The arcade is patrolled by beadles in traditional uniforms including top hats and frockcoats.

18. A truckload of state troopers armed to riot level patrolled the adjoining streets.

19. In July, Satsuki escorted convoys from Kure via Manila to Lingga, then patrolled from Singapore.

20. On her defensive station, Trout patrolled submerged during daylight to avoid detection by ships or aircraft.

21. That day, Atlanta patrolled astern of the fueling group supporting the two American carrier task forces.

22. Even the Amazon's taxed and patrolled To set laws by the few jaws - Piranha and jaguar.

23. If an old abandoned hooch was next to a roadway that is patrolled daily, stay away!

24. She patrolled the New Georgia area for the next four months to prevent Japanese troop withdrawals.

25. Astoria rejoined TF 17 on 14 March and patrolled the Coral Sea for the rest of March.

26. For quite some time the branch staff continued underground operations above, while guards patrolled the grounds below!

27. Today what remains of the fence is patrolled in the relative comfort of four-wheel-drive vehicles.

28. Based on Guam and Saipan, she escorted convoys and patrolled on air-sea rescue station until July 1945.

29. Standing out of the unloading area on the night of 1 November, Wadsworth patrolled off Koli Point, Guadalcanal.

30. She patrolled and trained pilots along the New England coast steaming as far north as Halifax, Nova Scotia.

31. She patrolled the aisles like a gaoler and woe betide you if that heavy tread stopped at your desk.

32. Fox patrolled with the Local Defense Forces, 12th Naval District until departure 2 January 1941 for Seattle, Washington.

33. At a village in the countryside their sleeping quarters were patrolled by rifle-toting men of indeterminate sympathies.

34. A neutrality zone of some 300 miles (480 km) in breadth is to be patrolled by the U.S. Navy.

35. Some of the border guards, who had patrolled the barrier day in day out, saw it as a provocation.

36. Then, on the 16th, headed north for Iwo Jima, whence she patrolled on air/sea rescue station until 2 November.

37. Late in May, the destroyer helped to screen USS Texas (BB-35) as the battleship patrolled the North Atlantic.

38. She patrolled along the east coast, trained reservists, and spent several periods training with submarines out of New London.

39. New roads, stadium lights and steel fencing have dramatically altered the 5-mile stretch patrolled by agents from the Imperial Beach station.

40. Stringham discharged her marines the following day and patrolled off Saipan throughout the Battle of the Philippine Sea on 19 and 20 June.

41. In early 1942, several Axis submarines patrolled the southern Caribbean with the objective of attacking Allied convoys and disrupting the oil operations.

42. Between 7 February and 25 February 1920, she patrolled off the coasts of Honduras and Guatemala during political unrest in those countries.

43. Hollandia and the Cyclops and Sentani Airdromes fell after ineffectual resistance, and the Division patrolled and moppedup until relieved on 4 May

44. Between August and December, as political turmoil in Syria threatened to further disturb the already turbulent Mideast, she patrolled the eastern Mediterranean.

45. On the 28th, she set a surface craft on fire with her main batteries near Kolombangara and then patrolled between that island and Vella Lavella.

46. On 6 March, the LSTs made landings in Hayne Bay, Los Negros, while Gillespie patrolled from five to fifteen miles off the northeast coast.

47. Steaming back to Kwajalein on 26 February, Aylwin patrolled off Eniwetok and Majuro through mid-March as mop-up operations continued at those places.

48. On the back of a horse; "he rode horseback to town"; "managed to escape ahorse"; "policeman patrolled the streets Ahorseback".

49. Commanded by Admiral Roek, the Aggressor and a force of five Imperial-class Star Destroyers were part of the fleet that patrolled the Inner Rim

50. Adverb - on the back of a horse; "he rode horseback to town"; "managed to escape ahorse"; "policeman patrolled the streets Ahorseback"