patricians in English

an aristocrat or nobleman.
Ideology justifies the rule of each ruling class, whether as chieftains, patricians , landowners, or those with capital, the bourgeoisie.

Use "patricians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "patricians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "patricians", or refer to the context using the word "patricians" in the English Dictionary.

1. 17 As befits the owners of an elitist newspaper, the Sulzbergers are patricians.

2. This is a list of the hypati, patricians, consuls, and dukes of Gaeta.

3. Synonyms for Aristocracy include elite, gentry, nobility, patriciate, peerage, upper class, patricians, establishment, ladies and lords

4. • As Befits the owners of an elitist newspaper, the Sulzbergers are patricians.

5. As befits the owners of an elitist newspaper, the Sulzbergers are patricians.

6. A collegium of two Consuls was established, according to classical tradition, after the banishment of King Tarquinius Superbus (510–509 B.C.) At first only patricians were elected as Consuls; as a result of a struggle between the plebeians and the patricians from 367 …

7. Herengracht (Patricians' Canal or Lords' Canal) is the first of the three major canals in the city centre of Amsterdam.

8. The Commonalty differs from the people as a species from its genus; for 'the people' includes the whole aggregate of citizens, among them patricians and senators, while the term 'Commonalty' embraces only such citizens as are not patricians or senators

9. The Consuls were usually patricians, though after 367 BC plebs (common people; plebeians) could stand for election as Consul.

10. The Augurs frequently employed this power as a political engine to vitiate the election of persons unfavourable to the exclusive privileges of the patricians

11. Belgravia, named for the tony London neighborhood still home to Britain's most affluent patricians, begins in Brussels on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo in …

12. However, unlike plebeian aediles, curule aediles were allowed certain symbols of rank--the sella curulis or 'curule chair,' for example--and only patricians could stand for election to curule aedile.

13. The Aedile was split into two main offices: plebeian Aedile and curule Aedile.The office of plebeian Aedile could only be held by a plebeian whereas both plebeians and patricians could be elected into the office of curule Aedile.Most men in Rome who were climbing Rome's political ladder, the curus honorum, would serve as an Aedile after their quaestorship.