partisans in English

a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.
Also, the fact that party partisans are put in charge of running the elections is crazy and is an obvious conflict of interest.
a member of an armed group formed to fight secretly against an occupying force, in particular one operating in enemy-occupied Yugoslavia, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe in World War II.
Giovanni Pesce fought with the partisans during the Second World War.
synonyms:guerrillafreedom fighterresistance fighterunderground fighterirregular (soldier)

Use "partisans" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "partisans" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "partisans", or refer to the context using the word "partisans" in the English Dictionary.

1. Partisans, thank God!

2. To partisans, these figures are irreconcilable.

3. We are Chetniks... not stinking Partisans.

4. These damn farmers are all partisans anyway.

5. Reinhard Heydrich had been assassinated by Czech partisans in 1942.

6. Yeah, them Partisans are gonna think they've been invaded by Zulus.

7. During World War II, the city was one of the centres of partisans.

8. And it's up to you to deliver them safely to the Partisans.

9. The partisans lay up by day and by night sallied out to attack convoys.

10. The Zionist Activists Who Collaborated With Nazis, and Were Executed by Jewish Partisans

11. After shelling by the partisans is the connection to a Courier aircraft aborted.

12. Some leading partisans of the former shōgun were imprisoned, but narrowly escaped execution.

13. Cast by their grave beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans, in hands as old,

14. Pas un Communismen face hiumaine, comnme 1'avancent ses partisans, a poursuivi M

15. Citizens with clubs. ] 1 ClTIZEN Clubs, bills, and partisans! strike! beat them down!

16. His partisans have introduced piles of pork that smack of the Suharto era.

17. Commissioned in 1920 to the Red Army, he fought against the Ukrainian peasant partisans of Nestor Makhno.

18. In addition, Brigands could also be partisans of a lost cause who refused to

19. And made Verona's ancient citizensCast by their grave, Beseeming ornaments,To wield old partisans

20. In Cyprus, he fought the partisans of Antigonus, and re-conquered the island (313).

21. A large number of civilians were killed in the crossfire or died fighting as partisans.

22. He defected to the Soviet Union to escape the Japanese conquest of the partisans in 1940.

23. Synonyms for Benefactresses include friends, patrons, backers, supporters, benefactors, adherents, partisans, advocates, advocators and apostles

24. His partisans argued that, as he made history come to life, his factual errors were inconsequential.

25. By 1945, the Partisans were clearing out Axis forces and liberating the remaining parts of occupied territory.

26. Wishful thinking made political partisans more optimistic about their own party's prospects and more inclined to forecast their opponents' defeat.

27. To wield old partisans in hands as old, Cankered with peace, to part your Cankered hate

28. This was a genuine popular uprising on the part of the deceived partisans of the Khomeini revolution.

29. The portrait of a member of the Partisans Armés, who carried out assassination attempts and killed Nasi collaborators.

30. Most of its partisans had focused mainly on military actions, neglecting political efforts necessary to mobilize mass support.

31. (adverb) There he continued the struggle for his side in a humorous work, in which the partisans of the council are Amusingly …

32. Boosterism is a besetting sin of second cities, even of their most learned and judicious partisans. The Times Literary Supplement (2010)

33. The fort became a prison and was blown up by partisans during the Civil War following the Bolshevik Revolution.

34. On 8 September 1943, Fascist Italy capitulated to the Allies, leaving their occupation zone in Yugoslavia open to the Partisans.

35. At the village of Obukhovo near Naro-Fominsk, Kosmodemyanskaya and other partisans crossed the front line and entered territory occupied by the Germans.

36. Pampaloni survived execution, joined the Greek People's Liberation Army, the Partisans in the Greek civil war, and fought with them in Epirus for fourteen months.

37. Cast by their grave-Beseeming ornaments, To wield old partisans in hands as old, Cankered with peace, to part your cankered hate.

38. It also features Yugoslav partisans fought in the German campaign when the player moves through a rebellious area of Nedić's Serbia.

39. Professor Mark Kleiman has long frustrated partisans in the drug debate because he takes a middle ground between the Criminalizers and the commercial legalizers

40. Agrarianism.—The Latin word agrarius was applied historically to laws, or their partisans, favoring the division of Roman public lands among the poorer citizens.

41. He used it to obliterate three rebellions, one led by his slave, another by Silla partisans, and one by his nephew Park Jinjae.

42. Professor Mark Kleiman has long frustrated partisans in the drug debate because he takes a middle ground between the Criminalizers and the commercial legalizers

43. Marshal Tito, during a Yugoslavian conference in later years, thanked Hoxha for the assistance that the Albanian partisans had given during the War for National Liberation (Lufta Nacionalçlirimtare).

44. After her husband led Mongolian partisans to victory in the Outer Mongolian Revolution of 1921, Yanjmaa became a member of the Mongolian Revolutionary Youth League (MYRL).

45. Donovan also knew that Pius so far had refused to authorize priests to serve as chaplains with the northern Italian partisans; the pope thought the bands were infested with Anticlerical

46. By spring of 1949 four South Korean Army battalions arrived and joined the local constabulary, police forces, and right-wing Northwest Youth Association partisans to brutally suppress protests.

47. Michael sent messages to his co-conspirators threatening to reveal their identity, whereupon his partisans freed him and murdered Leo V during the Christmas mass in the palace chapel of St. Stephen.

48. 1 1959 : C'est comme ma convention entre le constituant et l'Acceptant); attesté plus tardivement comme terme de polémique relig., il désigne les partisans de la soumission à l'autorité pontificale (cf

49. 2 days ago · 82% of Americans say Cyberterrorism is a "critical threat" Development of nuclear weapons in North Korea (77%), Iran (75%) rank next Partisans differ most on threat level of illegal immigrants, climate change WASHINGTON, D.C

50. The Germans who wanted to proclaim their formal annexation to the "German Reich" on 1 October 1941, postponed it first because of the installation of the new gauleiter and reichsstatthalter of Carinthia and later they dropped the plan for an undefinite period because of Slovene partisans.